Revised Timelines for Data Correction in SIS and Adjustment of Promoted Teachers

Government of the Punjab, School Education Department has issued Notification on 01-08-2019 in connection with Revised Timelines for Data Correction in SIS and Adjustment of Promoted Teachers. Detail is as under:

The Competent Authority has approved the following timelines for data correction in School Information System (SIS) and adjustment of promoted teachers, to be observed by the District Education Authorities in Punjab:-

You are therefore requested to past on necessary instructions to concerned DEOs/AEOs and Heads  of public schools to ensure entry of correct data into Schools Information System and tasks related to joining/relieving of promoted teachers within the given timelines.

Further detail and timelines are available at the copy of the Notification of Revised Timelines for Data Correction in SIS and Adjustment of Teachers.

By: Mr. Zahid Khan


Adjustment of Promoted Teachers


See also  Notification of Upgradation of the Post of Junior Scientific Officer from BPS-16 to BPS-17

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