Notification of Fixation of Minimum Wages Rates Sindh Glass Bangle Industry

Government of Sindh, Labour & Human Resource Department has issued Notification on 30-07-2019 in connection with Fixation of Minimum Wages Rates Sindh Glass Bangle Industry. Summary is as under:


Detail of Minimum Wages Rates Sindh Glass Bangle Industry


  1. The wages shall apply to all workers employed in the Glass Bangle Industry throughout the Province of Sindh.
  2. a) All employers in the above mentioned industry shall pay wages to the workers engaged in occupations as classified in the appended schedule at the rates not less than these mentioned against each category for work of 8 hours a day subject to the provisions of the Sindh Shops & Commercial Establishments Act, 2015, Factories Act, 2015 and other relevant labour laws.

b) The wages will mean “wages” as defined in section 2(xix) of the Sindh Minimum Wages Act, 2015.

3- a) All occupations in the above mentioned industry have been classified as far as possible in the schedule appended here under.

b) If any employer has any occupation / occupations in his establishment which is /are not included in the schedule appended here under, the Manager / Employer of such establishment shall be responsible to place such occupation/occupations at the appropriate place / category in the schedule and pay the worker / workers accordingly. Simultaneously the classification made by the Manager / Employer and wages paid shall be reported immediately to the Chairman, Minimum Wages Board Sindh for such action as may be deemed necessary.

4- The minimum rates of wages shall be applicable to all time rates, whole time workers, including probationary, temporary and piece rated workers.

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5- The minimum rates of wages shall not be regarded as the maximum rates and any existing wage / wages higher than the relevant minimum rates of wages as mentioned in the schedule, shall not be reduced by any Manager / Employer.

6- No employer shall pay any worker /workers engaged in any occupation / trade as mentioned in the schedule at a rate lower than relevant minimum wages rates as mentioned in the schedule.

7- The workers in the Glass Bangle Industry shall continue to enjoy all the existing facilities allowed to them regarding residential accommodation, water, electricity, medical aid, recreation facilities, subsidized food, education or such other benefits / facilities, if already provided to them in any Glass Bangle Industry.

Further details of the same are available at the copy of the Notification of Fixation of Minimum Wages Rates Sindh Glass Bangle Industry.


Download Full Details of the Notification of Fixation of Minimum Wages Rates Sindh Glass Bangle Industry


Minimum Wages Rates Sindh


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