New Formula for Calculating Percentile Score BISE

According the new policy the formula for calculating percentile is given below for the students of BISE:


Formula for Calculating Percentile Relative Grading System



Percentile Score =       Marks Obtained by Candidate * 100

Maximum Marks Obtained in Subject


The letter Grades & Corresponding Percentile Scores are as under:


S.No Boundaries of Score Letter Grades
1 90-100 A+
2 87-89 A
3 82-86 B+
4 77-81 B
5 70-76 C+
6 60-69 C
7 50-59 D+
8 40-49 D
9 33-39 E
10 32 & Below Less than 33%

New Calculating Percentile Score


Description for Relative Grading System


  • 90-100 means ‘A+’ grade is given to candidates who secured percentile score which is greater

than or equal to 90

  • 87-89 means ‘A’ grade is given to candidates who secured percentile score which is greater than

or equal to 87 and less than 90

  • 82-86 means ‘B+’ grade is given to candidates who secured percentile score which is greater

than or equal to 82 and less than 87

  • 77-81 means ‘B’ grade is given to candidates who secured percentile score which is greater than

or equal to 77 and less than 82

  • 70-76 means ‘C+’ grade is given to candidates who secured percentile score which is greater

than or equal to 70 and less than 77

  • 60-69 means ‘C’ grade is given to candidates who secured percentile score which is greater than

or equal to 60 and less than 70

  • 50-59 means ‘D+’ grade is given to candidates who secured percentile score which is greater

than or equal to 50 and less than 60

  • 40-49 means ‘D’ grade is given to candidates who secured percentile score which is greater than
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or equal to 40 and less than 50

  • 33-39 means ‘E’ grade is given to candidates who secured percentile score which is greater than

or equal to 33 and less than 40

  • 32 & Below means less than 33%




New Formula for Calculating Percentile Score


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