Vacancies in WAPDA Hospital for Lower Scale Employees

It is stated there that Vacancies in WAPDA Hospital for Lower Scale Employees have been announced by the daily Jang newspaper dated 24-08-2019. The applicants should submit the application within 15 days of the advertisement. Detail is as under:

All Pakistani citizens can apply for these vacancies. WAPDA authorities will appoint these Class-IV employees on a contract basis for a period of one year that can be extendable on the basis of satisfactory efficiency.


Detail of Vacancies in WAPDA Hospital


S. No Name of Vacancy BPS Number of Vacancies Qualification Place of Posting
1 Naib Qasid BPS-01 25 Vacancies Middle WAPDA Hospital, Multan =13, WAPDA Muzaffargarh Dispensary = 04, WAPDA Sahiwal Dispensary = 03, WAPDA Rahimyar Khan Dispensary = 03, WAPDA Bahawalnagar Dispensary = 01, WAPDA Bahawalpur Dispensary = 01
2 Sanitary Worker BPS-01 09 Vacancies Can read and write. Can read a newspaper and can write a letter in any language WAPDA Hospital Multan = 08, WAPDA Muzaffargarh Dispensary = 01


You can download applicant these WAPDA Jobs from the WAPDA website. Employees Children’s application forms are also available there. The candidates having the prescribed criteria for the job vacancies should apply before the closing date. It is a good chance for the unemployed.


Vacancies in WAPDA Hospital


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