Notification of Conversion of BA BSc B.Com into ADP

Government of the Punjab, Higher Education Department has issued Notification on 26-08-2019 in connection with Notification of Conversion of BA BSc B.Com into ADP. Detail is as under:


Conversion of BA BSc B.Com into Associate Degree Program.


In pursuance of the Higher Education Commission Islamabad’s Notification of the dated 11-07-2019, the Competent authority has been pleased to change the nomenclature of BA / BSc /B.Com or any other equivalent degree program to Associate Degree Program with effect from the session 2019-20 without any change in the scheme of studies for this session, with prevailing annual examination system. However, by the next academic session, all associate degrees will be offered on the semester system pattern.

Summary is that there will be no more BA/B.Sc/B.Com or other such equivalent degrees in the Punjab. From the session 2019-20 all the students will get admission in ADP. However only for this year scheme of studies will remain the same and Higher Education Commission will make changes with effect from the next session 2020-2021.You can say this session they only changes the name of the degree and actual implementation will be from the next session.

Special thanks to Mr. Shahid Hussain for sensing the copy of the Notification of Conversion of BA BSc B.Com into ADP.



Conversion of BA BSc B.Com


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