Notification by Finance Division Regarding Advance Increments on Acquiring Higher Qualification

Government of Pakistan, Finance Division has issued Notification on 26-08-2019 in connection with Advance Increments on Acquiring Higher Qualification. The undersigned is directed to refer to Finance Division’s clarification issued vide O.M.No.F.1(6)imp/2000-392, dated 18-06-2011.Detail is as under:


Clarification of Advance Increments on Acquiring Higher Qualification


    1. Para-6 (a) (iii) of Finance Division O.M.No.F.1/7/IMP-ll/87 dated 01-07-1987, allows the advance increments to those who acquires/possesses higher qualification than those prescribed for the post. These advance increments were made double w.e.f 01-06-1991. Later on, Finance Division’s O.M.No.F.1(12)-IMP-II/91, dated 29-06-1991. Later on, Finance Division’s O.M. dated 18-06-2011 was issued which clarified that advance increments for acquiring/possessing higher qualification will be admissible to those officials who have been promoted posts on the basis of seniority-cum-fitness but were not allowed advance increments to those who possess the same qualification, prescribed for the said promotional post.


  1. it has been observed that while implementing this policy certain quarters have not adhere to the guidelines in letter & spirit and granted advance increments where promotion to the higher post was made on the basis of reorganization of a department or on qualifying certain departmental examinations. Finance Division’s O.M. dated 18-06-2011 covers only such cases where higher scale was granted for promotion on seniority-cum-fitness basis and not dew to reorganization of the department or on passing of a departmental examination.


  1. FST has recently supported the stance of Finance Division in case of Mr.Muhammad Riaz in Appeal No.226®CS/2014 and Mr. Zafar Iqbal and others in Appeals No.318, 336, 714, 715(R)CS/2019 that Finance Division’s O.M. dated 18-06-2011 is applicable only to those civil servants who acquired/possessed higher qualification of the promotional post based on the seniority-cum-fitness, Further, Mr. Muhammad Riaz went into appeal in Supreme Court which also upheld the policy of Finance Division vide their judgment dated 17-06-2019.
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It is therefore clarified that Finance Division O.M dated 18-06-2011 is applicable in such cases only where promotion to the higher post was made on seniority-cum-fitness basis. It does not cover the cases where promotion to higher scales is made on the basis of reorganization of department or passing of departmental examination. These instructions may be followed in letter & Spirit.


Request to the Readers: If any reader can explain the whole situation of Advance Increments on Acquiring Higher Qualification, please mention the same below in comments. Thanks



Advance Increments on Acquiring Higher Qualification


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