Notification of Increase Daily Allowance 2019 & Hotel Limit CAA Employees

Headquarters Civil Aviation Authority has issued Notification on 06-09-2019 in connection with Increase Daily Allowance 2019, Consolidated Rates and Hotel Limit for CAA Employees. The rates have been revised with effect from 1st August 2019. Summary is as under:



The following revised rates are applicable for the cities of Karachi, Lahore,  Islamabad, Peshawar, Multan, Quetta, Faisalabad, Sukkur, DG Khan, Bahawalpur, Sialkot, Gawadar, Hyderabad, Northern Areas (Gilgit & Skardu), Muzaffarabad, Sargodha, Gujranwala, and Mirpur AJK.


Hotel Limit is excluding GST & other taxes. Daily Allowance will be admissible in addition to actual Hotel Bill as well as Accommodation Charges (own arrangement)

DG & AdIDG shall also be entitled to one Daily Allowance in addition to actual Hotel Bill/Accommodation Charges (own arrangement).


A daily allowance is uniform allowance for each day of absence from headquarters which is intended to cover the extra daily expenditure incurred by an employee in consequence of such absence

A day is to be reckoned from sunset.

Daily allowance will be admissible at full rate when during the absence from headquarters a night is spent while being on tour.

One daily allowance will be admissible when the absence from headquarters is for more than 4 hours subject to limitation if he travels to a different city.

A part of day less than 4 hours is to be ignored for the purposes of daily allowance.

Daily Allowance may not be drawn for a continuous halt of more than fifteen days at any one place and shall be deemed as temporary posting or attachment.

See also  Notification Increase in House Rent Allowance 2021 KPK

The entitlement of revised rates of the above items shall be applicable on tours performed on or after 1st August 20{9. However, the settled claims/cases will not be re-opened/entertained as per policy in vogue.


Special thanks to Mr. Hamid Hussain for sending the copy of the Notification of Increase Daily Allowance 2019 & Hotel Limit CAA Employees.


Increase Daily Allowance 2019


Download Full Notification of Increase Daily Allowance 2019 & Hotel Limit CAA Employees


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