College Teaching Interns CTIs Advertisement 2019 Salary 45000/-

The College Teaching Interns CTIs Jobs 2019 Advertisement has been issued. Punjab Government will appoint these Interns for a limited period. The Govt of Punjab appoint these College Teaching Interns in the colleges under the Punjab Govt.


Features of College Teaching Interns CTIs Jobs 2019


Name: College Teachers Interns

Age Limit: No limit

Salary: Rs. 45000/- per month

Duration: 20-09-2019 to 30-04-2020

Interview Date: 23-09-2019 and 24-09-2019

Minimum Qualification: MA / M.Sc (2nd Division)



Procedure to Apply for CTIs


  • You can check the detail of vacancies in the nearest concerned Women and Boys Colleges with effect from 12th September 2019.
  • Wall in Interview will be held on 23th September 2019 to 24th September. Candidates must bring CV along with original documents.
  • Department will display the list of the successful candidates on 26-09-2019.
  • The department will receive the complaints and solve in this regard upto 27-09-2019 to 29-09-2019.
  • These positions are only for limited period.
  • College will display final list on 30th September 2019.
  • The department will issue him a certificate after successful completion of the CTIs period.
  • The CTIs so appointed have no right to be regular as these vacancies are on limited period and temporary.You can get the details from Higher Education Department too.


Special thanks to Mr. Muhammad Afzal for sending the copy of the College Teaching Interns CTS Advertisement 2019 by the Government of the Punjab.

You may also like: Teachers Vacancies in Institute of Education and Research.

See also  Teaching Jobs in Shaheed Benazir Bhutto University


Correction in the Advertisement of College Teaching Interns (CTIs)


The Higher Education Department has issued correction in the CTIs Jobs. The main changes are for the salary per month and the dates for interviews.



You can check the latest updated CTIs Vacant Posts 2019 Detail that I have uploaded for the information of the job seekers. This list includes the vacant posts details of all the districts of the province of Punjab. As I already mentioned you must visit the nearest college (Boys & Women) for the updated list of the CTIs vacancies on 12th September 2019 or later. If you are worried about how to write an CV or simple application for teaching jobs then you no need to worry. It is so simple and I have prepared the same for you.





Correction in the Advertisement of CTIs


College Teaching Interns CTS Advertisement


Notification by Higher Education Department

Ad of College Teachers Interns


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4 thoughts on “College Teaching Interns CTIs Advertisement 2019 Salary 45000/-

  1. A o. A sir kidly biology or botany sy realted seats kin colleges ma ai hui hain un ki list uploade kr dain coz ma takreeban jitny colleges vist kiy hain kahi in subjects sy related vocanices nahi ai hui.. Kindly lahore ma bio or botany sy related colleges ki list uploade kr dain.


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