Regularization of Employees BPS-01 to BPS-15 Allied Hospital Faisalabad

Office of the Medical Superintendent Allied Hospital Faisalabad has issued Notification on 14-09-2019 in connection with Regularization of Employees BPS-01 to BPS-15 Allied Hospital Faisalabad.

Notification of Regularization of Employees BPS-01 to BPS-15 Allied Hospital Faisalabad



In pursuance of and compliance with Govt. of the Govt. of the Punjab, Services and General Administration Department (Regulation Wing) letter No. SO(EBR) (S&GAD)

5-19/2018 dated 29.07.2019, with endorsed by the Government of the Punjab Specialized Healthcare & Medical Education Department, Lahore letter No. E&A (HEALTH) 2-141/2013 dated 06.08.2019 & No. SO(AHP-II) 42-4/2019 dated 28.08.2018 as well as  the Vice Chancellor , FMU, Allied / DHQ Hospitals & Nursing  Schools Faisalabad letter No. 30-Regular/53/4173-79 dated  28.08.2018 and :-



Consequent upon clearance by the department scrutiny committee of this hospital in its meeting held on 12.09.2019, the services of the following contract  employees-from (BS-01 to BS-15) of this Hospital are hereby regularized under the government of the Punjab Regularization of service, Act, 2019 with effect from 12.09.2019:-


  1. You shall be governed under the law, rules and instructors /orders issued by the Punjab government from time to time.
  2. Must be good bodily and mental health and free from any physical detect likely to interfere with the discharge of yours duties. You are required to produce a medical fitness certificate if not provide earlier.

iii. You shall produce a character certificate from principal academic Officers of academic Institution last attended and also certificate of character from two responsible persons not being your relative who are well acquainted in the prince of Punjab.

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Special thanks to the following employees for sending the copy of the Notification of Regularization of Employees BPS-01 to BPS-15 Allied Hospital Faisalabad:


  • Mr. Mazhar Ali
  • Mr. Mobeen Ahmad
  • Mr. Hamid Ali
  • Mr. Kamran Majeed


Download Full Copy of the Regularization of Employees BPS-01 to BPS-15 Allied Hospital Faisalabad


Regularization of Employees BPS-01 to BPS-15 Allied Hospital Faisalabad


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