Notification of Upgradation UDC and LDC to BPS-14 & BPS-11 KIU

Karakoram International University has issued Notification on 6th September 2019 in connection with Upgradation UDC and LDC to BPS-14 & BPS-11 KIU with effect from 17-12-2018. Detail is as under:


Upgradation of UDC to BPS-14 and LDC to BPS-11


No.KIU-Senate-1(16) 2019 /89837- As per guidance of Government of Pakistan Finance Division (Regular Division) vide letter No. F.No1 (2) R-1/2019/364 dated 4th September, 2019 and approval of University Syndicate in its 34th meeting held on 23rd and 24th October, 2018, endorsed by KIU Senate in its 15th meeting held on 17th December, 2018 the positions of UDCs and LDCs are hereby upgraded to BPS-14 and BPS-11 respectively with effect from 17th December, 2018. This has the approval of the Competent Authority.

Special thanks to Mr. Husnain for sending the copy of the Notification of Upgradation UDC and LDC to BPS-14 & BPS-11 KIU. The Federal Clerical Staff is also demanding the upgradation of their posts since long. They are at right of their upgradation. All the provincial clerical staff should pray for the upgradation of the Federal Government Clerical Staff Upgradation. They have requested that Government should upgrade LDC  to BPS-11, UDC to BPS-14 and Assistant to BPS-16.



Upgradation UDC and LDC to BPS-14

See also  Clarification of Tax on Salary, Pension, GP Fund and Gratuity

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2 thoughts on “Notification of Upgradation UDC and LDC to BPS-14 & BPS-11 KIU

  1. Dear madam ye jo upgradation of udc and ldc KIU K ltr me jo finance division k ltr ka jo hawala dia hy jo dated 4 sep 19 ka ht us ko to share please.


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