Latest Updates of Rationalization of Teachers in School Education Department Punjab

It is to share here that the final plan for the Rationalization of Teachers in School Education Department Punjab has been prepared. According to this plan, the teaching staff will be shuffled/shifted to the schools where there is a deficiency of teachers. If there are two teachers of Biology in one school and the school need only one bio teacher, then the School Education Department Punjab will shift/transfer the extra post of the school teacher to that school where there is need of one Bio teacher and there is no bio teacher in that school.


Rationalization of Teachers in School Education Department Punjab


The department will get the benefit of the teachers where there are reserve teachers. In this way, there will be a requirement of very fewer Educators Recruitment /jobs through PPSC in the near future.

The department will start the process of rationalization during the 1st week of the month of October 2019.  The department will complete the process at the end of the same month i.e October 2019. The Education Department will do the rationalization for the first time in history in the real sense and true sense in words.

After the process of the rationalization, the Mutual Transfer and transfers on the basis of wedlock will be opened for the teachers throughout the year as per the Transfer Posting Policy 2019.

It is to mention here that that department has successfully completed inter-district transfer and intradistrict transfer. After that, the department completed the process of data collection / Human Resource Management System and SIS.

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Updates of Teaching Staff as on April 2020


According to the news, the Education Department Punjab has decided to again start the process of rationalization. The department will complete the process of rationalization up to 15th May 2020.


Rationalization Teaching Staff

Updates February 2020:


According to the updates, the department will complete the process at the end of March 2020. According to policy there will be 1 teacher for 40 students.

Rationalization Updates february 2020


Further Updates of the Rationalization of School Teachers


The Rationalization Process will be started with effect from 14th October 2019 and will be completed upto 10th November 2019. After receiving the posting orders, teachers can deposit their objections online within one week.


Updates of rationalization teachers

The department will adjust the teaching staff as per the requirement of the school throughout the province. School Education department will adjust male teachers in male schools and female teachers in female schools.


Rationalization Teachers


  • There will be minimum 3 teachers in Primary schools.
  • If the student’s strength is between 81 to 130 then the strength of teaching staff will be 4.
  • If students strength is between 131 to 180, then 5 teachers.
  • There will be 6 teachers if the student strength is between 181 to 230 students.
  • 231 to 280 students, 7 teachers
  • 281 to 330 students in a primary school, 8 teachers


Rationalization School Teachers Punjab


The department will transfer female teachers maximum at a distance of 10 Kilometers.

Male school teachers will be adjusted at a maximum 15 kilometers distance.


Adjustment of Male and Female Teachers


Rationalization of Teaching Staff Punjab



Further Updates:


As soon as I get the further updates in this regard, I shall share the same at this website. So keep tuned with me for the latest updates of Rationalization of Teachers in School Education Department of the province of Punjab. I hope that the visitors, if they get any update in this regard share to me so that the maximum visitors can get the benefit of the same.

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Question of the day: Who will be transferred?


There are different news in the social media about the rationalization. Some says that teachers that are existing since long in the same school will have to be transferred. Some says that department will transfer new ones. But i say that department will transfer will only transfer those teachers who are extra in one school. The example of the same I have given in the 1st para of this article. This is my opinion, now it is your turn what you say “New Ones” or “Old Ones” ? Give your answers below in the comments.



Rationalization of Teachers in School Education


Rationalization in Elementary Schools


Elementary Schools


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4 thoughts on “Latest Updates of Rationalization of Teachers in School Education Department Punjab

  1. I am EST and posted in primary school in this rationalization policy benefits me that I am rationlize in elementary school or High school plz answers this question me EST,s in primary schools go back in the elementary schools or no change


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