Notification of Request for Cancellation of Retirement Orders / LPR Orders Punjab Government

Government of the Punjab, Finance Department has issued Notification on 29-02-2012 in connection with Request for Cancellation of Retirement Orders / LPR Orders Punjab Government. Many employees have already asked me about the same issue. Their questions were “Is any employee can withdrawal request of LPR before the date of retirement? Can any employee get back to job if he /she applied for leave encashment but not on the basis of superannuation? The answer of the same as far the Federal Government employees concerned is “YES”.  As far as the Punjab Government the detail of the same vide Notification of the dated 29-02-2012 is as under:

I am directed to refer to the subject noted above and to state that this department is in receipt of certain references for having advice upon the following scenarios:

  1. Withdrawal/cancellation of LPR during its currency.
  2. Cancellation of retirement orders after expiry of the LPR.


The matter has been examined and attention is drawn towards the following rules in this regard:


  1. Rule 18 of the Revised Leave Rules, 1981 mentions the authorities regarding recalling a civil servant from LPR.
  2. Rule 3.5 Note (1) of the Punjab Civil Services Pension Rules mentions that the date of retirement once accepted by the competent authority, shall be final.


In view of above, it is clarified that a person who is availing LPR and requires its cancellation, only the Administration Secretary in case of employees in BS-1 to 16 and Chief Secretary for BS-17 and above, are authorized to recall his from LPR under the Rule 18 of the Revised Leave Rules, 1981 and the ‘authority’ cannot be delegated to anyone else. Similar, a person who has availed his LPR and requires cancellation of retirement order before his superannuation needs the relaxation of Rule 3.5 Note (1) of the Punjab Civil Services Pension Rules.

See also  Pension Documents

Therefore, it is advised to process all such cases as per para 2 above accordingly.


Download Notification of Request for Cancellation of Retirement Orders LPR Orders Punjab Government


Rule 18 of the Revised Leave Rules 1981


Rule 18 Revised Leave Rules


 Rule 3.5 Note (1) of the Punjab Civil Services Pension Rules


Cancellation of Retirement Orders

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