Ruling for Pension Distribution if More than One Unmarried Sisters, Widows or Divorced Daughters

On the request of many employees, I am sharing the detail of the ruling for pension distribution in case the Government employee who died had more than one unmarried sisters, widows or divorced daughters. The may come to face many issues regarding the distribution of family pension. Some examples are given below:


  • Pensioner has more than one widows
  • Pensioner has more than one divorced daughters
  • If one widow daughter is in receipt of pension and others too become widow or divorced


The explanation of the same and other questions has been given by the Finance Department Punjab Notification No. FD-SR-III-4-390/2014 dated 19-04-2016. The contents of the same Notification are as under:

  1. Please refer to your letter No. Pension. I(Coord)8518 Dated 02nd November, 2015 on the subject noted above.
  2. It is informed that earlier letter of your office bearing Pension. I(Coord)CD-8518-20 dated 23.09.2014 was responded vide this Department`s letter of even number dated 10.12.20114 (copy enclosed).
  3. As regard further issues, the case has been examined and it is decided as follow:-


Queries of A.G. Office Reply by Finance Department
(i)            If any pensioner left behind more than one widow/divorced daughters how pension will be distributed among them. If one pensioner left behind more than one widow/divorced daughters, the pension will be paid to widow daughter in terms of Rule 4.10(iii) of The Punjab Civil Services Pension Rules.



(ii)           If one widow/divorced daughter is in receipt of pension and another daughter becomes widow/divorced, will she be entitled to share the pension being drawn by her widow/divorced sister? NO.
See also  Grant of Invalid Pension to an Individual Having Less Than 5 Years Service



(iii)          Will all unmarried/divorced/widow daughter of pensioner be entitled family (even if they become widow/divorced)? If so with what ratio pension be divided among them. No. In such scenario, only un-married daughters in terms of Rule 4.10(2)(A)(ii) of The Punjab Civil Services Pension Rules would be entitled to family pension  on equation basis.



(iv)          If the pensioner had a family at the time of retirement/death as defined in Rule 4.7 of Pension rules but subsequently all family members are not eligible for family pension will unmarried sister be entitled pension who  is a family member in the light of Rule 4.8-d(2). Yes.


(v)           If a pensioner leaves family members as defined in rule 4.7 and with the passage of time all family members become unentitled for pension, will family members as defined in rule 4.8-d be entitled for family pension? The Family pension will only be admissible to those who are mentioned in Rule 4.10 of Pension Rules. The “family” shown under Rule 4.7 and 4.8(d) of the Punjab

Civil Services Pension Rules is restricted to “gratuity” only.

Download Full Notification of Ruling for Family Pension Distribution



Ruling for Pension Distribution

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