Office Memorandum Upgradation Senior Auditor From BPS-16 to BPS-18 (Syed Faiz Ali Shah)

Government of Pakistan, Cabinet Secretariat Establishment Division has issued Notification on 08-10-2019 in connection with Office Memorandum Upgradation Senior Auditor from BPS-16 to BPS-18 (Syed Faiz Ali Shah). Detail is as under:  

Subject: Implementation/Compliance report in crl. org. no. 51-w/2017 titled ‘’ Syed Faiz Ali Shah vs Tahir Shahbaz etc. filled in the honorable Lahore high court, Lahore


The undersigned is directed to refer to Finance Division’s (Litigation Wing)’s U.O No. F. 1 (126)Legal-1 2015, dated 30-09-2019 on the subjected above and to state that today on 07.10.2019 a U.A  dated 30-09-2019 addressed to Joint Secretary (Ligation), Establishment Division is received wherein compliance report attempted by Office of Controller general of Accounts is attached, wherein cadre administrator has requested Establishment /Finance Divisions for taking in the matter.

  1. In order to comply with the orders of honorable Lahore High Court, Lahore Establishment Division have no objection for Up-gradation of petitioners (Syed Faiz Ali Shah) post from BPS-16 to BPS-18 subject to the concurrence of Finance Division and Filling up the up-graded posts in manner prescribed as per this division’s d.o letter No. 8/36/2000-R-I, dated 31-12-2008.

Special thanks to Mr. Zahid Khan for sending the copy of the Office Memorandum Upgradation Senior Auditor to BPS-18 (Syed Faiz Ali Shah).


Upgradation Senior Auditor

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3 thoughts on “Office Memorandum Upgradation Senior Auditor From BPS-16 to BPS-18 (Syed Faiz Ali Shah)

  1. Instant case is for petitioner only, while all other senior auditors will also be upgraded refer to ED’s letter dated 31-12-2008, 03-02-2001&01-2001.No up-gradation is allowed on personal basis.


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