Re-Designation / Upgradation Accountant Head Clerk, Office Superintendent and SDO

Government of Pakistan, Cabinet Secretariat, Establishment Division has issued Office memorandum on 08-10-2019 in connection with Re-Designation / Upgradation Accountant Head Clerk, Office Superintendent and SDO (Non-Technical). Detail is as under:

The undersigned is directed to refer to the Ministry of defence O.M of the dated 23-03-2019 on the subject noted above and to convey the approval of Establishment Division for upgradation of the following posts in Military Lands and Cantonments Department under the Ministry of Defence subject to fulfillment of all procedural & codal formalities, concurrence of Finance Division, framing / amendment in the Recruitment Rules and filling up the upgraded posts in manner prescribed as per this Division’s OM of the dated 31-12-2008.


Sr. No Name of Post Present Scale Upgraded / Re-Designated nomenclature and BPS
1 Accountant / Head Clerk BPS-08 Head Clerk BPS-14
2 Office Superintendent BS-09
3 SDO (Non-Technical) BPS-11 Assistant BPS-15


Special thanks to Mr. Muhammad Ali Zohaib for sending the copy of the Notification of Re-Designation / Upgradation Accountant Head Clerk, Office Superintendent and SDO.


Upgradation Accountant Head Clerk


See also  Notification of Promotion Deputy Assistant Chemical Examiners in Custom Department

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