Federal Govt Educational Institutions BPS-01 to BPS-04 Vacancies

FGEIs (C/G) has announced jobs for the class IV Employees. You can apply for these Federal Govt Educational Institutions BPS-01 to BPS-04 Vacancies on the application form before the closing date. Summary of these jobs is as under:


S. No Name of Post BPS No of Posts
1 Driver (Male) BPS-04 07 Vacancies
2 Laboratory Attendant (Male / Female) BPS-02 12
3 Naib Qasid (Male /Female) BPS-01 52
4 Mali (Male) BPS-01 20
5 Chowkidar (Male) BPS-1 25
6 Sweeper (male /female) BPS-01 35


District Wise Detail of Vacancies

Peshawar = 14 vacancies

Khyber Agency = 01 vacancy

Bannu = 2 vacancies

Kohat = 02 Vacancies

Hangu = 01 vacancy

Malakand = 02 Vacancies

Mardan = 01 Vacancy

Noshehra = 03 vacancies

Rawalpindi = 50 Vacancies

Abbotabad = 04 Vacancies

Attock = 06 Vacancies

Haripur = 02 Vacancies

Kotli = 01 Vacancy

Muzaffarabad = 01 Vacancy

Bhimber = 01 vacancy

Bagh = 01 Vacancy

Jhelum = 04 vacancies

Gujrat = 03 vacancies

Gujranwala = 06 Vacancies

Sialkot = 04 vacancies

Sargodha = 01 Vacancy

Mandi Baha ud Din = 02 vacancies

Lahore = 09 Vacancies

Multan = 05 vacancies

Okara = 03 Vacancies

Jhang = 01 Vacancy

Bahawalpur = 01 Vacancy

Karachi = 07 Vacancies

Sukkur = 01 vacancy

Hyderabad = 06 vacancies

Quetta = 04 Vacancies

Zob = 02 Vacancies


Last date to apply for these jobs is 11-11-2019. It is to mentioned here that FGEIs Teaching & Non-Teaching jobs have also been announced. You can further details of these vacancies at the copy of the advertisement of Federal Govt Educational Institutions class iv employees.


Federal Govt Educational Institutions

See also  Notification of Enhancement of Seats of Lecturer in Political Science HED

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