Upgradation 620 Posts of Drivers from BPS-04 to BPS-05 & Further Time Scale Promotion

Government of Gilgit-Baltistan (S&GAD and Cabinet Department) has issued a Notification on 30-10-2019 in connection with the Upgradation of 620 Posts of Drivers from BPS-04 to BPS-05 and a further grant of Time Scale Promotion (TSM) up to BPS-11. The detail is as under:

No.5(33)/2019-Estt-Reg-Services. In pursuance of the decision of Gilgit-Baltistan Cabinet’s 15th meeting held on 8th March 2019, and on the financial concurrence of Finance Department letter bearing No.Fin-Reg-I(36)/2018 dated 15th October 2019 the competent authority has been pleased to up-grade 620 posts of Driver from BS-4 to BS-5 with effect from 19th September 2019 and further granted time scale promotion as detailed below:

  1. On initial Appointment BS-05.
  2. BS-06 shall be granted after a competition of 4 years.
  3. BS-07 shall be granted after competition of 8 years service.
  4. BS-08 shall be granted after a competition of 10 years.
  5. BS-09 shall be granted after a competition of 12 years.
  6. BS-10 shall be granted after competition of 15 years of service.
  7. BS-11 shall be granted after a competition of 25 years.


Special thanks to Mr. Abdul Aziz for sending the copy of the Notification of Time Scale Promotion and Upgradation of Gilgit-Baltistan Drivers from BPS-04 to BPS-05 and further Time Scale Promotion of the scale to Basic pay Scale No. 11.


Drivers from BPS-04 to BPS-05

See also  Bill regarding Equal Scales of Salary and Allowances Act 2023

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