1000 Vacancies in Primary & Secondary Healthcare Department through PPSC

It is to share here for general that 1000 Number Vacancies in Primary & Secondary Healthcare Department through PPSC have been announced. PPSC has also advertised jobs in Livestock & Dairy Development Department and also in Punjab Public Service Commission itself.  Last date to apply for these jobs is 25th November 2019. The same has been advertised vide Advertisement No. 39 / 2019.  Detail of these vacancies is as under:


Summary of Vacancies in Primary & Secondary Healthcare and Other Departments




Sr.No. Name of Post Number of Post BPS
01. Assistant

(On Regular Basis)


Open Merit = 01





Sr.No. Name of Post Number of Post BPS
01. Branch Officer

(on Contract Basis for the period of 03 years)

02-Posts BPS-17




Sr.No. Name of Post Number of Post BPS
01. Medical Officers

(on regular Basis)


Open Merit=920

Special persons quota = 30

Minority quota = 50


Vacancies in Primary & Secondary Healthcare Department


  1. To appear in interview/test Only Original Valid CNIC issued by NADRA will be accepted. No other Identification documents will be acceptable.
  2. Applicants are advised to read all terms and conditions/ instructions of the advertisement as well as “Important Instructions to Candidates” given on PPSC website carefully in order to submit their Online applications complete in all respects. The onus/ responsibility of correctness of the data given in the Online Application from will rest squarely on the candidates.
  3. Applicants are required to submit “On-Line Application Form” by the closing Data which is 25-11-2019 up to 12:00 AM (Midnight), Applicants should fill in the On-line Application form carefully in the light of the Guidelines and Instructions mentioned in the Advertisement for the said Post and “Important/General Instructions to candidates.”. It is further added here that today jobs of Junior Auditors have also announced in MAG.


The willing candidates can further get the info about the above mentioned jobs at the copy of the advertisement for 1000 Vacancies in Primary & Secondary Healthcare Department through Punjab Public Service Commission.


PPSC Jobs November 2019 Health

See also  Vacancies Announced in Various Departments of Pakistan

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