Notification of Grant of Premature Increment on Time Scale Upgrdataion to Wapda Employees

Office of General Manager Finance (Coord), Pakistan Water and Power Development Authority has issued Office order on 27-09-2019 in connection with Grant of Premature Increment on Time Scale Upgrdataion. Detail is as under:

The Authority has been pleased to accord approval to the Grant of One pre-mature increment on Time Scale Up-Gradation to Wapda employees (serving/retired) with effect from the dates they were allowed TSU. The payment of arrears will, however, be paid by way of following method:-

  1. The retired employees may be paid the arrears in installments as per paying capacity of the concerned office.
  2. The serving employees may be paid arrears in six (06) Installments in three (03) years.


Special thanks to Mr. Zahid Khan for sending the copy of the Office Order of Grant of Premature Increment on Time Scale promotion for Wapda Employees.


Premature Increment on Time Scale

See also  Notification of Premature Increment Punjab Govt Employees of BPS-01 to BPS-05

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One thought on “Notification of Grant of Premature Increment on Time Scale Upgrdataion to Wapda Employees

  1. Muhammad Saeed Khan · Edit

    Sir I am a emloyee of govt.sindh education deptt
    I got time scale grade 14 to 16 after some years I have promoted in same grade 16. I avail premature increment on promotion but treasury person is not want to entertain me this opportunity and tell m that you can’t get premature increment on same grade basis. Kindly give suggestion.


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