Views on Queries Time Scale Promotion by Finance Department

Government of the Punjab Finance Department has issued Notification on 27-11-2019 in connection with Views on Queries Time Scale Promotion by Finance Department. Detail is as under:


Will the Section Officer (Promotion-I), Government of the Punjab, School Education Department, kindly refer to his letter No.SO (P-I) SED/6-7/2019, dated 18.10.2019, on the subject noted above?

  1. The Finance Department has examined the observations raised in the letter referred to above and these are hereby answered in an annotated format:-


Sr#       Queries raised by SED Views of Finance Deptt.
i) Whether the applicants who retired between the intervening period from 01.02.2019 to the date of clarification by FD i.e. 26.07.2019, are eligible / entitled for the grant of Time Scale Promotion or not? The incumbents who retied on or after 01.02.2019 are entitled for grant of Time Scale Promotion.
ii) Whether the applicants who are paying their services on deputation in different organization (Federal/Provincial) before or after the cut date of 01.02.2019, are eligible / entitled for the grant of Time Scale Promotion or not? By their parent department (SED); That the deputations will be entitled to Time Scale Promotion after his return in the Parent Department but the date of effectiveness of the Time Scale Promotion will be the ‘date of entitlement’ because Time scale Promotion is not Promotion, (but rather it us an up-gradation), which follows DPC/PSB meeting and joining for actualization of promotion.
iii) Whether the applicants against whom FIRs are registered with pending decisions are entitled for the Grant of the Tie Scale Promotion or Not? Finance Department’s Notification No.FD.PC.-40-12/2017, dated 19.04.2019, imposes condition of processing good / satisfactory service record. A general clarification is being issued separately in this regard.
See also  Amendment in Federal Employees Benevolent Fund & Group Insurance Rules-1972


You can read further details at the given below copy of the Notification of Views on Queries Time Scale Promotion by Finance Department. Special thanks to Mr. Zahid Khan for sending the copy of the Notification.


Queries Replies Time Scale Promotion

Queries Time Scale Promotion

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