Delegation of Powers of Leaves and NOC for Issuance Passport Punjab

Government of the Punjab, Services & General Administration Department (Admn Wing) has issued Notification on 30-12-2019 in connection with Delegation of Powers of Leaves and NOC for Issuance Passport Punjab. Detail is as under:


Delegation of Powers of Leaves and NOC for Issuance Passport


No.SO(Admn-II)8—15/2017. In pursuance of Rule 10(1)(g) of the Punjab Government Rules of Business, 2011 and under Section 3(4) read with Section 24(1) of Punjab Civil Administration Act, 2017, the Additional Chief Secretary Punjab has been pleased to delegate the following powers to the extent of S&GAD controlled posts / officers BS-17 to the Divisional Commissioners of Punjab to be exercised within their respective divisions for greater efficiency and better administration:-

  1. To assign additional charge of the S&GAD’s controlled vacant posts of BS-17 to the suitable officers of equivalent grade, borne on the cadre strength of S&GAD posted in their respective divisions.
  2. To grant ex-Pakistan leave to officers for Performance of Hajj not beyond 50 days. This is also for performance of Umrah upto 15 days.
  3. And to grant NOC for issuance/renewal of passport except gratis/official passport.
  4. And to grant maternity leave.
  5. To grant earned leave up to maximum period of 30 days.
  6. The Divisional Commissioners shall exercise the above-mentioned delegated powers after observing all requisite codal formalities under intimation to S&GAD.



Delegation of Powers of Leaves

See also  Notification of Poor Students Free Education 10% in Private Schools of Punjab

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