Notification of Upgradation of Computer Operator, Data Entry Operator, Data Processing Officer Sindh

Government of Sindh, Finance Department has issued Notification on 10-01-2020 in connection with Upgradation of Computer Operator, Data Entry Operator, Data Processing Officer Sindh. Detail is as under:

Pursuant to the approval accorded by the Provincial Cabinet in its meeting vide minutes circulated by Services, General Administration & Coordination Department under letter No.SOY(SGA&CD)7(2nd)2018 dated 03-01-2020 Government of Sindh agrees to allow Up-gradation of Computer Operators BS-7(8). Computer Operator / Upgradation Data Entry Operators (BS-11/12) and Computer operator / Data Processing Officer (BS-16) with immediate effect subject to fulfillment of all required codal formalities tabulated under:-

  1. After up-gradation of the posts, the I.T personnel will undergo training enhance their capacity.
  2. Administrative Department is advised to issue notification of up-gradation of their officials in pursuance of this circular letter and their pay of the existing incumbents of the post (having prescribed qualification) shall be fixed in higher pay scales at a stage next above the pay in the lower pay scale.
  3. This would be the final re-structuring / up-gradation of I.T personnel and in further all Administrative Departments will frame service structure by initiating the process of amendment in Recruitment Rules for the above mentioned posts, in consultation with SGA&CD and Finance Department as per existing procedure.
  4. The expenditure to be incurred on the above up-gradation of the posts shall be bound by the respective Administrative Departments from their existing budgetary allocation during CFY 2019-20.

Special thanks to Mr. Muhammad Bux Saleem Khaskheli & Mr. Zahid Hussain Abro for sending the copy of the Notification of Upgradation of Computer Operator, Data Entry Operator, Data Processing Officer Sindh.

See also  Notification Guidelines Regarding Regularization of Schools Guards (BPS-01)



Notification of Upgradation of Computer Operator


Notification of Upgradation of Data Entry Operator

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12 thoughts on “Notification of Upgradation of Computer Operator, Data Entry Operator, Data Processing Officer Sindh

  1. if someone joined as computer operator bps 12 , will he be promoted to data processing officer bps16 and then senior data processing bps 17 is this the defined structure for this post ?


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