All Notifications Computer Allowance Punjab 1986 to Date

I am here sharing All Notifications Computer Allowance Punjab 1986 to Date for the information and guidance of the concerned employees.  The detail of the same is as under:


Notification Computer Allowance Punjab 1986


I am directed to state that the Governor of the Punjab has been pleased to sanction Computer   of the Rs.500/- p.m. to the prescribed categories of computer personnel who are actually employed on whole time basis on Computer work in the Government Department and other Govt. organizations /respective of the font whether main frame computer in available or not in their or organizations, provided they possess the minimum educational qualification, given below:-


Sr. No. Category Educations. Qualification.
1. Computer Personnel in BPS-18. Master’s Degree in Computer Science or (b)Master degree in

/ Physics / Statistics / Economics from a recognized University and computer training.

2. Computer Personnel 1 in BPS-17 -Do-
3. Computer Personnel  1 in BPS-16 (a)    Second Class

Degree with Computer Science of (b) Second class        degree with Math / Statistic physics / Economics from a recognized University   Computer training.


The alcove allowance would replace any allowance special pay that present admissible to above categories of computer personnel.



All Notifications Computer Allowance Punjab 1986 to Date





I am directed to refer to this Department’s letter of even number dated 22-09-1986 on the select noted above and to say that the Government of the Punjab in pleased to decide that with effect from 1st July, 1988 the existing rate of Computer Allowance of its 500/- per month will be enhanced  to its Rs. 1,000/-

  1. The Government of the Punjab is further pleased to allow Computer Allowance to Rs.300/- p.m. Key Punch Operators/Key Punch Verifying Operators to Entry Operators with effect from 1-70 1988.
  2. Order existing terms and conditions regulating the grant of Computer Allowance would remain unchanged.


Computer Allowance



Computer Allowance Notification 2001


During the Revised Pay Scales 2001, the computer allowance rates were also revised. The details are as under:


Sr. No Existing Rates Revised Rates
1 Rs. 300/- per Month Rs. 450/- per month
2 Rs. 1000/- per month Rs. 1500/- per month

Notification Comp Allowance


Notification of 2004


I am directed to refer to para-14 of this Department’s letter No. FD.PC-2-1/2001 dated 22-10-2001 on the above-mentioned subject and to say that Governor of the Punjab has been pleased to approve that Computer Allowance presently admissible to Key Punch Operators/Key Punch Verifying Operators/Data Entry operators at rate of Rs.450/- per month may be enhanced to Rs.750/- per month with immediate effect. Other terms & Conditions for Grant of this Allowance will remain unchanged.

  1. Expenditure involved will be net out of the existing budget of the Department concerned.


Compt Allowance


2018 Notification


One of the latest Notifications Computer Allowance Punjab is of 2018 that is as under:


The case has been examined. Lahore High Court, Lahore is advised that Computer Personnel are those employees who are employed on whole time basis on computer work in the Government Departments and other Government Institutions irrespective of the fact whether main frame computer is available or not in their organization. But the said Personnel should possess the minimum educational qualification of their basic Pay Scale wise as described in the policy letter No.FD.SR-1.9-7/85, dated 22.09.1986 (copy enclosed). Further necessary action may be taken in light of policy letter ibid.


Punjab Computer Allowance


A Post by:


Rana Rana Muhammad Sarfraz 





See also  Notification of Revised Rates Utility Allowance LHC Lahore High Court

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