Notification of Revised Rates Utility Allowance LHC Lahore High Court

The Lahore High Court has issued Notification on 08-02-2020 in connection with Revised Rates Utility Allowance LHC 2020 with effect from 1st December 2019. Detail is as under:

In pursuance of Article 175 (3) regarding separation of Judiciary from executive coupled with judgment of Hon’ble Supreme Court in PLD 1994 SC 105, Judgment of Lahore High Court in 1990 CLC 136 and observing the principle of equality before law as enshrined in Article 25 of the Constitution of  Pakistan 1973 as also the principle that equals must be treated equally as guaranteed by Article 3 of the Constitution of Pakistan.

And in exercise of powers conferred by sub-para (ii) of Notification No. Judl-1-X (Home)/89, dated  8.10.1995 of the Finance Department, Government of the Punjab as well as relevant provisions of the Punjab Delegation of Financial Powers Rules, 2016, further in compliance with the direction of the National Judicial (Policy Making) Committee which mandates to remove the disparity in salaries and allowances, the Hon’ble Chief Justice has been pleased to revise the rate of Utility Allowance in favour of the members of the establishment of  Lahore High Court, Lahore (Principal Seat and its allied Benches), w.e.f 01.12.2019 as per following criteria:-


Summary Revised Rates Utility Allowance LHC


Sr. No. Designation / BPS                                      Current rate of Utility Allowance (Rs.) Revised rate of Utility Allowance (Rs.)
1. BS-03 to BS-06 3,000 6,000
2. BS-07 to BS-08 4,000 6,000
3. BS-09 to BS-14 4,000 8,000
4. BS-15 4,000 10,000
5. BS-16 4,000 14,000
6. BS-17 5,000 15,000
7. BS-18 5,000 20,000
8. BS-19 8,000 25,000
9. BS-20 & above 8,000 30,000
See also  Activities to Assist or Support Any Contesting Candidate by a Government Servant or Public Office Holder


  1. The expenditure involved will be met out of the existing budget grant under function No. PC24011-Administration of Justice-031101-Courts/Justice-LQ4112-Lahore High Court. Special thanks to Mr. Zahid Khan, Mr. M Asad Raza & Mr. Sardar Hussain, Mr. Ghulam Mustafa Ch & Mr. Zi Khan for sending the copy of the Notification of enhancement of Utility Allowance for the LHC Employees.


Notification of Revised Rates Utility Allowance LHC 2020 Lahore High Court

Revised Rates Utility Allowance LHC 2020



For District Judiciary


District Judiciary

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