Date of Announcement of Budget 2020-21 Federal Government Pakistan

Federal Govt has issued the schedule of the Financial Year 2020-21 Budget.  According to Finance Division Budget Call Circular Notification No. No.F.1(1)/D.S.(Budget)/ BCC 2020-21 dated 06-02-2020, the tentative date of announcement of Budget 2020-21 Federal Govt of Pakistan is fixed during the month of May 2020. According to the Daily Dunya, it is expected that the Budget 2020-21 will be presented on 29th May 2020.

News Updates Regarding Date of Announcement of Budget 2020-21

According to the Daily Express dated 09-05-2020 the latest updates of the date of announcement of Budget 2020-21 are that the Budget may, the Government announced on 5th June 2020 or 12th June 2020. I shall share the latest updates in this regard as and when the Government of Pakistan final it. Earlier according to the Notification, the tentative announcement of the budget, the Government planned in May 2020. But due to the covid-19 epidemic situation in Pakistan the date, Govt has to extend to June 2020.

Final Date

Government of Pakistan Federal Govt has decided to announce Budget 2020-2021 on 12th June 2020. So wait for the 12-06-2020 and hence the expectations of the salary increase for employees.

Latest Updates of Budget 2020-21 Announcement

Finance Division issued Budget Call Circular on 06-02-2020, the Budget Calendar 2020-21 is as under. The time-schedule prescribed for the submission of budget estimates in respect of Receipts as well as Current and Development expenditure of the Federal Government on Chart of Accounts is given below:

Budget 2020-2021 Pakistan Date


S # Activities Responsible Timeline (Last date)
1. Actuals (2018-19), First Preliminary Revised Estimates (2019-20), and Budget Estimates (2020-21) of Federal Government Receipts together with reasons for variations (FORM-II Receipts) Principal Accounting Officer  

By 06th February 2020

2. Final Estimates of Federal Government Receipts (Revised 2019-20 & Budget 2020-21) together with explanatory notes / reasons / variation thereon Principal Accounting Officer  

By 28th February 2020


S # Activities Responsibility  Timeline (Last date)
1. Issuance of Budget Call Circular 2020-21


Finance Division 6th January 2020
2. Submission of Form-I and Form-II Principal Accounting Officer 06th February 2020
3. Development of Budget Strategy Paper


Finance Division 2nd week of February 2020
4. Annual Planning Coordination Committee (APCC) meeting’s Planning, Development and Special Initiatives Division/ Finance Division 1st week of March 2020
5. National Economic Council (NEC) Meeting -do-
6. Presentation of Budget Strategy Paper in the Cabinet for approval Finance Division 1stweek of March 2020
7. Confirmation of Indicative Budget Ceilings to the PAOs for current and development expenditure and copy to JSs / DSs (Exp.) and Sector Chiefs in Planning, Development, and Special Initiative Division  



3rd week of March 2020

8. Demand Review Committee’s Meetings (if needed)


-do- Last week of March 2020
9. Submission of BO/NIS Forms by Ministries / Divisions for the current budget to JSs / DSs (Exp.) Ministries / Divisions  

By 3rd April 2020

   Further Schedule



10. Submission of BO/NIS Forms by Ministries / Divisions for development budget to Sector Chiefs in Planning, Development and Special Initiatives Division and copy to JSs / DSs (Exp.) Ministries / Divisions  

By 3rd April 2020

11. Submission of BO/NIS forms, already entered into SAP system by respective PAOs, for current expenditure to the Budget Wing, Finance Division Principal Accounting Officer  

By 10th April 2020

12. Submission of BO/NIS forms, already entered into SAP system by respective PAOs, for development expenditure to the Budget Wing, Finance Division




By 10th April 2020

13. Completion of all Budget Documents, Schedules, and Summaries for the Cabinet, etc.


Finance Division Last week of April 2020 (tentative)
14. Presentation of Budget to the Cabinet and the Parliament


Finance Division May 2020




S # Activities Responsible Timeline (Last date)
1. Actual (2018-19), First Preliminary Revised Estimates (2019-20), and Budget Estimates (2020-21) of Federal Government Budget Financing Budget & EF Wings& DG Debt, Finance Division



By 06th February 2020

2. Final Estimates of Federal Government Budget Financing (Revised 2019-20 &Estimates 2020-21) -do-  

By 28th February 2020

3. Development and approval of the Budget Strategy Paper Finance Division February and March 2020
4. Confirmation of Indicative Budget Ceilings to the PAOs for Debt servicing (Interest payments and Principal Re-payments) as the current/charged expenditure  

Finance Division& EAD


3rd week of March 2020

If there is any further amendment or change in the date of announcement of the Budget 2020-21 for the Federal Government of Pakistan, will be updated here. So keep tuned with us.

Date of Announcement of Budget 2020-21

Budget 2020 Pakistan & Govt Employees

The annual Budget is very important in connection with the Government Employees of Pakistan. The Prime Minister of Pakistan advised the Government employees to be patient during the previous budget 2019-20 as the financial situation of the country was very bad. The PM advised making patients for two years. Now the Government in the coming budget will complete nearly two years. The salaries of all the employees of Pakistan are required to be increased. The main reason for the same is that the businessmen, shopkeepers, transporters and other private factor peoples have adjusted themselves according to the dearness in the country. They have increased the rates of their items, labor charges, fares, etc but the employees cannot do so as their salaries are fixed.

Exceptions of Employees

Now the situation of the employees is very critical especially the lower grade employees. They are forced to borrow money to fulfill the demands of their daily. They cannot afford the high increased utility bill payments. Sui Gas Bills, Electricity, WASA bills are now their big enemies. Daily increasing prices of medicines, flour, sugar, vegetables, etc are out of control of the employees.

Keeping in view the dearness, the rates of the flats, houses, etc are also now at the hike. So all the Government employees are looking forward to the best budget for them. If the Government does not increase the salaries of the employees at reasonable rates, it will be very difficult for them to face the difficulties of life. They will not be able to provide their families with the best medical facilities, the best education for their children, and better food for the family. I hope the Government of Pakistan will win the heart of the employees in the coming budget.


Salary Increase Budget 2021-22


There are chances that Government may grant a 15% extra allowance to Federal Government employees. Although the Federal Government has already granted DRA 2021 @ 25% on the running basic pay wef 1st March 2021 to certain departments of the FG.  Provinces have not yet granted the same to their employees. The Government can also revise the pay scales and issue Basic Pay Scales 2021.



See also  Notification of the Punjab Regularization of Service Act 2018

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