Fixation of Pay ALM on Grant of BPS-07 after Completion 2 Years Satisfactory Service

Office of Finance Director IESCO Head Office has issued letter on 12-02-2020 in connection with Fixation of Pay ALM on Grant of BPS-07 after Completion 2 Years Satisfactory Service. Detail is as under:


Fixation of Pay ALM on Grant of BPS-07 IESCO


It is pointed that case for vetting of pay of those ALMs who were initially appointed in BPS-03 & later on upgraded in BPS-05 w.e.f 03.10.2016 vide A.M (Admin) PEPCO Lahore letter No. GM(HR)HDR/A-693(16) 2009-21 dated 03.11.2017 was under discussion for placement in BPS-07 after completion of 02 years satisfactory service.

If has now decided in the light of A.M (Admin) PEPCO above referred letter dated 03.11.2017 that ALMs who were initially appointed in BPS-03 in 2016 and later on upgraded in BPS-05 w.e.f 03.10.2016 may be allowed “Placed in BPS-07” on completion of 02 years satisfactory service with approval of Competent Authority.

It is further added that is pay of such ALMs may be fixed at stage above in BPS-07 as on premature increment is admissible on placement. Moreover, No option for deferment / re-fixation of pay is admissible to those ALMs who are placed in BPS-07 between 02 June to 30th November of respective year and annual increment will not be admissible. Moreover, case of ALMs director appointed in BPS-05 after 03.10.2016 for grant of BPS-07 will be decided as & when clarification is received from HR Directorate IESCO Islamabad.

It is therefore, desired that such ALMs may be “Placed in BPS-07” on competition of 02 years of satisfactory service with the approval of Competent Authority & their pay may be fixed in the light of clarification circulate vide A.M (admin) PEPCO Lahore letter No. GM(HR)/HRD/A-639 (116)/2009-21 dated -3.11.2017 and sent to this office for vetting.

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Special thanks to Mr. Zahid Khan for sending the copy of the Fixation of Pay on Grant of BPS-07 to ALM after Completion 2 Years Satisfactory Service.


Fixation of Pay ALM on Grant of BPS-07

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