Notification of Wage Rates 2019 Daily Labour Staff in Multan

Office of the Deputy Commissioner Multan issued Order on 24-10-2019 in connection with Wage Rates 2019 Daily Labour Staff in Multan. Detail is as under:

In exercise of powers delegated to me vie letter No.FD(FR)-10-118/72 dated 19.10.1975, by the Government of the Punjab Finance Department Lahore and in continuation by the Government Notification No.RO(Tech) FD 2-2/2018 dated 20.09.2019, I Amir Khatak Deputy Commissioner, Multan do hereby fix wages rates-2019 with effect from 1st July 2019, of the following employees of daily labour staff in Multan District.


 Wage Rates 2019 Daily Labour Staff


Sr.# Name of Service Daily Wage Rate
1. Un-Skilled Rs.689/- Per Day
2. Semi-Skilled Rs.719/- Per Day
3. Skilled Rs.786/- Per Day
4. Boatman with Large Boat (above 35 ft Length) Rs.786/- Per Day
5. Boatman with small Boat (upto 35 ft Length) Rs.719/- Per Day
6. Bullock (each) (Without Attendant) Rs.361/- Per Day
7. Camel (each) (Without Attendant) Rs.431/- Per Day
8. Donkey (each) (Without Attendant) Rs.314/- Per Day
9. Bullock Cart (Without Bullock and Attendant) Rs.233/- Per Day
10. Camel Cart (Without Camel and  Attendant) Rs.233/- Per Day
11. Donkey or Mule Cart (Without Animal and Attendant) Rs.220/- Per Day


Special thanks to Mr. Naseer Hussain for sending the copy of the Notification of enhanced rates for Daily Labour Staff in District Multan.


Wage Rates 2019 Daily Labour Staff

See also  Notification of Regularization Policy 2021 for Daily Wages Employees of Punjab

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