Violations of the Punjab Marriage Functions Act 2016

Government of the Punjab, Local Government & Community Development Department has issued Notification on 17-02-2020 in connection with Violations of the Punjab Marriage Functions Act 2016. Detail is as under:


  1. I have been directed to inform that the Competent Authority has desired for immediate action for the enforcement of the subject Act with the following recommendations:
  2. Local administration should be directed to enforce the law across the board in letter and spirit.
  3. Those involved in illegalities and violations should be proceeded against properly and the cases be vigorously pursed in the courts of law.

iii. Zero tolerance policy should be employed in case of aerial firing and fireworks.

  1. It has also been observed that marriage functions are being arranged in parks and farmhouses situated in residential area where loud music and other violations are openly committed causing nuisance for locals. This tendency should also be checked.
  2. The above referred directions may be complied with letter and spirit.


Special thanks to Mr. Zahid Khan for sending the copy of the Notification of Violations of the Punjab Marriage Functions Act 2016.


Violations of the Punjab Marriage Functions Act 2016


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