Clarification Implementation Lahore High Court Judgment Regarding Regularization 17-Rule Employees

Services & General Administration Department (Regulations Wing) has issued letter to The Section Officer (E-III), Government of Punjab, Irrigation Department regarding Clarification Implementation Lahore High Court Judgment Regarding Regularization 17-Rule Employees.  Detail is as under:


Reference your letter No. SO (E-III)2-8/2019 dated 10-01-2020 on the subject noted above.

The Regulations Wing, S&GAD has examined the matter and views of Regulations Wing; S&GAD is given below in annotated form:



Sr. No Point of Advice Views of Regulations Wing, S&GAD
1 Whether they may be considered on regular basis from the date of their appointment in the light of decision of Honourable High Court in Writ Petition No. 5484 / 2019 pronounced on 20-09-2019 or from the date of S&GAD circular letter dated 29-10-2019. The laws, rules, notifications, orders, circular letters issued by the Regulations Wing, Services & General Administration Department are implemented from prospective effect until and unless specified otherwise.
2 According to contract policy they have been received 30% Special Security Benefit in lieu of pension during the period of their contract. As the 30% SSB was allowed to contract employees while pension is admissible to the regular civil servants.
3 Furthermore, they are not deducting the Group Insurance, GP Fund and Benevolent Fund. What will be the fate of the Social Security Benefit, Group Insurance, GP Fund and Benevolent Fund? Since the regularization of the contract employees recruited under 17-A will be made with immediate effect, no question arises for deduction of General Provident Fund, Group Insurance or Benevolent Fund. However when the services of these are regularized, such deductions will be made as per prescribed procedure.
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Special thanks to Mr. Shabbir Hussain Ansari for sending the copy of the Clarification Implementation Lahore High Court Judgment Regarding Regularization 17-Rule Employees.


Clarification Implementation Lahore High Court Judgment


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