Jobs in Armed Forces Institute of Radiology & Imaging Rawalpindi

A few Jobs in Armed Forces Institute of Radiology & Imaging Rawalpindi have been announced on 18th March 2020. Male and Female candidates can apply for these vacancies. Total number of vacancies is 15 and you have fifteen days to apply for these jobs opportunities.  Allied Testing Service (ATS) will take the responsibility for the initial requirements.


Jobs in Armed Forces Institute of Radiology & Imaging through ATS




Sr.No. Name of Post BPS No. of Posts
1. UDC BPS-11 01-Post
2. LDC BPS-09 01-Post
3. Information Technological Technician BPS-11 03-Post
4. Electro Medical Technician BPS-09 01-Post
5. Medical BPS-09 01-Post
6. Niab Qasid BPS-01 02-Post
7. Cook Unit BPS-02 02-Post
8. Sweeper Female BPS-01 04-Post
    Total 15 Vacancies


Age limit for all the vacancies is 18 to 28 years; however it is 18 to 40 years for disabled and 45 years for the retired armed personals. Willing candidates can deposit Rs. 75/- fee for the posts of BPS-05 to BPS-14. They can deposit Rs. 35/- for the vacancies of BPS-01 to BS-04.


Jobs in Armed Forces Institute of Radiology & Imaging Rawalpindi


Department will grant no TA / DA to the candidates coming for tests or interviews. The department can reject the incomplete application. So submit the applications completed in all respect. Candidates can apply for more than one job, however they should apply separately for each vacancy / post.


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