Decisions Made for Employees / Government Offices KPK

Government of Khyber Pakhtunkhwa, Workers Welfare Board, Peshawar has issued Notification on 19-03-2020 in connection with Decisions Made for Employees / Government Offices KPK. Detail is as under:

In pursuance of decisions of the meeting held by the Chief Minister, Khyber Pakhtunkhwa, on 18-03-2020,regarding the preventive and precautionary measures to control spread of Corona  Virus and attended by the Provincial Ministers, Chief Secretary and concerned Secretaries, the following decisions are hereby notified for strict compliance and required actions:-

  1. All official meeting of five or more people have been suspended. Meetings will preferably held on Videocon, speaker-Phone or other electronic methods;
  2. All the officers / officials must avoid hand shaking.
  • Side railings, door knobs must not be touched;
  1. All doors of the respective offices must be kept open to avoid touching the door knobs for opening the doors.
  2. The join use of equipment like computer’s keyboard, fax machine and telephone etc, must be avoided.
  3. In case any officer / official are suffering from flu. He/she must wear proper mask.
  • All the officers / officials must wash their hands every 2-3 hours and washing should be at least for 20 seconds.
  • All officers/officials must ensure regular use of the sanitizer.
  1. Windows must be kept open regularly.
  2. Bathroom must be kept neat, clean and dry.
  3. Entry of General Public to this office has been stopped forthwith as it is for their protection and social distancing, as a preventive measure.
  • All type of ceremonies, closed compounds shall stand banned.
  • All community Centers Khyber Pakhtunkhwa, workers Welfare Board, will remain closed till further orders.
  • Above all, all are advised to maintain and practice social distancing as far as possible.
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Special thanks to Mr. Najeeb Khan for sending the copy of the Notification of Precautionary Measures Decisions Made for Employees / Government Offices Khyber Pakhtunkhwa Province.



Precautionary Measures Decisions Made for Employees

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