Ministry of Interior OM Regarding Social Distancing for Public Sector Employees

Government of Pakistan, Ministry of Interior has issued Notification No. 1(1)/2019-DS(S) dated 19-03-2020 in connection with Social Distancing for Public Sector Employees. Detail is as under:

As precautionary and preventive measures against the spread of coronavirus  (COVID-19) and to mitigate its adverse effects, the competent Authority has been pleased to approved “Social distancing” of the Public Sector employees, initially for a Period of Fifteen (15) days with immediate effect. The Secretary / Additional Secretary (Incharge)  of all Ministries / Divisions and Heads of attached Departments / Organizations have been authorized to prepare a strategy and implements the same, within their respective domain by adopting following measures:-


  1. Identification if essential staff for important tasks and ensuring their presence in office.
  2. The employees over 50-Years of age may be allowed to work from home.
  3. Employees with illness (flu, fever,etc). or facing health challenges may also work from home.
  4. Closure of all Day Care Centers in Public Offices and allowing the Female Staff (mother of the children, kept in Day Care Center) to work from home.
  5. Closure of all public service delivery offices for public dealings.
  6. Any other measure essential to ensure social distancing in public offices.


For the information of the employees, Notification of decisions made for the employees of Khyber Pakhtunkhwa regarding precautionary measures has already KPK Government issued. Special thanks to Mr. Muhammad Bux Saleem Khaskheli and Mr. Zia ur Rehaman for sending the copy of the Office memorandum by Ministry of Interior for Public Sector Employees.

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Social Distancing for Public Sector Employees

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