Notification of Suspension of Trains to Restrict the Spread of Corona Virus

Government of Pakistan, Ministry of Railways (Railway Board) has issued Notification on 19-03-2020 in connection with Suspension of Trains to Restrict the Spread of Corona Virus. Detail is as under:

I am directed to convey that in consideration of the measures taken by Pakistan Railways to restrict the spread of Corona Virus, the operations of following trains are hereby suspended w.e.f. 22-03-2020 will further orders:-


  1. Khushhal Khan Kattak Express (19 UP/20 DN)     (PSC – KC)
  2. Akbar Express                     (23 UP/24 DN)     (LHR- QTA)
  3. Sindh Express                      (29 UP/30 DN)    (KC – MUL )
  4. Ravi Express                         (121 UP/122 DN) (LHR –  SKO)
  5. Shah Latif.                   (151 UP/152 DN)    (DBJ – MPS)
  6. Rohi Passenger                     (215 UP/216 DN)     (ROH-KPR)


The passengers who have advance booking on the above trains may be fully facilitated to be accommodated in other trains of their choice on priority. In case of nit availing the ticket, they will get full refund.

Special thanks to Mr. Muhammad Bux Saleem Khaskheli for sending the copy of the Notification of Suspension of Trains to Restrict the Spread of Corona Virus.


Updates Suspension of Trains as on 24-03-2020


The Competent Authority is pleased to decide that all passengers train services/operations will remain suspend throughout Pakistan w.e.f. 24:00 Hrs today (24th March, 2020) of 31st March, 2020.

  1. Passengers who have advance booking on suspended trains will be accommodated in other trains of their choice on priority once the train service is resumed. In case e of not availing the ticket they will get full refund after resumption of train operations.
  2. This issues with the approval of Secretary/Chairman Railways.
See also  Notification of Recruitment Policy 2015 for School Guards


(Updates by Mr. Zia ur Rehman)



Suspension of Trains to Restrict the Spread of Corona Virus


According to news there are chances that Government will soon suspend more trains. Federal Minister of Railways has already informed this situation. As soon as i get more updates I ll share the same here for the information of the visitors.


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