Closing of All Pakistan Schools Colleges, Universities and Madrassas upto 31st May 2020

According to press conference by federal Ministers Asad Umar, Dr Zafar Mirza etc at 6 pm on 26-03-2020 announcement of Closing of Closing of All Pakistan Schools Colleges, Universities and Madrassas upto 31st May 2020 has been made. Mr Asad Umar mentioned in the conference that Federal Minister for education told him that All Pakistan Schools / colleges / universities will observe holidays upto the end of May 2020.


Closing of All Pakistan Schools Colleges, Universities and Madrassas


Earlier the educational Government announced to close institutions upto 5th April 2020. Khyber Pakhtunkhwa Government also announced extension holidays in KPK Schools upto 05-04-2020. In the same way other provincial Governments and Federal Government also extended holidays in their respective schools, colleges and universities. Now keeping in view the ongoing situation of the fatal disease caused by corona virus, Government decided to further increase holidays in the educational institutions.

For the information of the general that Government decided so to save the students and teachers from the bad effect of corona virus. It is hoped that the ratio this virus will be decrease at a satisfactory level and even to end of this virus issue.

Students and teachers should now save themselves from this virus and they should stay at home. Students should now learn the lessons online or they must follow the instructions by the school authorities.


Summary of the Announcement Holidays in Educational Institutions


Government of Pakistan announced to close all Public and Private Schools, Colleges, Universities and Madrassas throughout the country till 31-05-2020. As soon as I get the updates in this regard and Notifications by the concerned provinces or departments, I shall share here at this post. So keep tuned with me.

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However the educational authorities would continue to engage with students either through TV or online. Federal Education Ministry will launch a TV channel in early April with lessons for school students.


Summer Vacations 2020


This closure will be treated as summer vacation and if by the grace of Allah the corona problem is resolved, educational institution will reopen in June. You can say that educational institutions will re-open after Ramzan ul Mabarak and Eid-ul-Fiter. With the race of Allah if the situation is clear, the institutions will open in June 2020. The departments will count these holidays and summer holidays.


Latest Updates of Re-Opening of Schools (05-05-2020)


There a newspaper published the news regarding the re-opening of schools all over Pakistan with effect from 1st June 2020. There have also mentioned that school timings will be from 7 am to 11 am. I have tried to confirm this news from nay sources but al said that this news is fake. They have not yet decided so. The chances are that the board/committee will confirm the same during the mid of May 2020.


Closing of All Pakistan Educational Institutions upto 31st May 2020


Holidays in Schools Colleges Universities


Notification of Holidays in All Pakistan Educational Institutions


Government of Pakistan, Ministry Federal Education & Professional Training has issued Notification on 27-03-2020 regarding closing of All Pakistan educational institutions.


Notification of Holidays All Pakistan Educational Institutions

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4 thoughts on “Closing of All Pakistan Schools Colleges, Universities and Madrassas upto 31st May 2020

  1. Hello
    In the mid of may PM punjab had announced that all institutes will open after 15 july But in most of the news and according to google institutes will close till 31 May.
    Can uh please tell me that which one is the conformation date?

  2. Hello,

    My son studying in Bahria School Lahore, I would like to know that the school fee structure will remain same or any chance of reducing fees during this period.


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