Notification of Distribution of Ration Bags among Needy Persons – Sindh

Government of Sindh, Services, General Administration & Coordination Department has issued Notification on 26-03-2020 in connection with Distribution of Ration Bags among Needy Persons. Detail is as under:

In continuation of the ongoing emergency response against the COVID-19 pandemic, the COVID-19 Relief Committee is hereby constituted.

The Object of the Committee:

The objective of the committee shall be to distribute ration bags among needy persons at the Union Council/Union Committee/Ward levels. The Deputy Commissioner concerned shall supervise and monitor the whole exercise and   shall all the relevant information as required.


Composition of  Committee Regarding Distribution of Ration Bags


1. Representative of the concerned Deputy Commissioner Convener
2. Chairman of the Union Council/Union Committee/Councilor of Ward of town/municipality/Member of District Council concerned. Member
3. Chairman of the Local Zakat Committee of the respective area Member
4. Representative of a prominent NGO Member
5. Notable of the respective Union Council/Union  Committee/Ward Member
6. Prominent Female social worker/female Councilor Member
7. Any member co-opted Member


Terms of Reference of the Committee:


  1. To identify needy persons, i.e. daily wage earners, labourers, street hawkers, poor segment of society, etc. residing in the relevant UCs/Ward of the town/municipality.
  2.  To scrutinize and maintain the record of beneficiaries of each union council/union committee/ward of town/municipality, etc.
  3. And to target and distribute ration bags among deserving beneficiaries/persons at their doorstep.
  4. To ensure social distancing and isolating of the needy person I n order to avoid COVID health hazards.
  5. To share and update a daily distribution report of beneficiaries with the Project Director, Social Protection Strategy Unit, Chief Minister’s Secretariat Karachi/Director General, PDMA Sindh, Karachi on the prescribed format.
See also  Notification of Rain Expected During Eid Holidays


Special thanks to Mr. Muhammad Bux Saleem Khaskheli who sent the copy of the Notification of Distribution of Ration Bags among Needy Persons.


Distribution of Ration Bags among Needy Persons

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