Notification of Extension in Electricity Bills Payment Date

Government of Pakistan, Ministry of Energy (Power Wing) Power Coordination, Policy and Finance Wing has issued Notification on 26-03-2020 in connection with Extension in Electricity Bills Payment Date. Detail is as under:


Extension in Electricity Bills Payment Date Till 7th April 2020



I am directed to refer to the subject noted above and inform that the Competent Authority has decided to extend payment date of electricity bill to 7th April 2020 without late payment Surcharge (LPS). Every such bill needs to carry the actual installments.

In view of aforesaid, all DISCOs are directed to disseminate the decision among their consumers and implement the decision under intimation to this Division accordingly.

PEPCO and PITC are directed to strictly ensure the instructions and forward compliance report to this Division urgently.


Extension in Electricity Bills Payment Date


Notification of Electricity Bills in Installments


I am directed to refer to the subject noted above and inform that the Government of Pakistan has announced following relief package for domestic consumers’ upto 300 Units due to COVID-19 pandemic.


  1. Private domestic consumer (Single Phase) having consumption up to 300 Units will be consumed up to considered for payment of bill in “Three Installments”.
  2. Total payable amount including areas and previous installments (4 any) will be considered for calculation of installments.
  3. Late Payment Surcharge (LPS) will not be levied in case of non-payment to such consumers.
  4. No mark-up will be charged on this deferred amount.
  5. Domestic consumers of TESCO and HESCO (Thar Subsidy) will be excluded from this relief package (as their bills are paid by the GoP & GoS).
  6. Consumers can pay total amount during current month of he wants.
  7. Following message will be displayed on bill PM RELIEF FOR COVID-19.
See also  Approved Summary of the Punjab Clerical Staff Upgradation 2016


Bill in Installments

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