Notification of Punjab Infectious Disease (Prevention and Control) Ordinance 2020

Government of the Punjab, Law and Parliamentary Affairs Department has issued Notification on 27-03-2020 in connection with Punjab Infectious Disease (Prevention and Control) Ordinance 2020.  The Punjab Government has published this ordinance for general information to prevent and control infectious diseases in Punjab province.  The headings / main points of this ordinance are as under:



  1. Short Title, extent and commencement.
  2. Definitions
  3. Serious and imminent infection threat declaration.
  4. Power to impose duties, confer functions etc.
  5. General restrictions and requirements.
  6. Directions and restrictions relating to attendance of schools and burials etc.
  7. Prohibition or restriction of events and gatherings.
  8. Closing or restricting entry into and exit from a premises.
  9. Restricting entry into and exit from a general area.
  10. Movement and retention of potentially infectious person to a suitable place.
  11. Duty to undergo screening and assessment.
  12. Additional requirement and restrictions for persons presenting significant risk.
  13. Applicability of provisions to minors and wards.
  14. Duty to inform.
  15. Pre-conditions and manner of exercise of powers.
  16. Ancillary powers.
  17. Offences and penalties In respect of directions and restrictions imposed under Part II and III.
  18. Offences and penalties in respect of certain directions, restrictions and duties imposed under Part IV.
  19. Offence and penalty for running away from a place of retention.
  20. Cognizance and trial of offences.
  21. General Powers for prevention and control of infection.
  22. Enforcement
  23. Requisition of services of Government officials.
  24. Delegation and concurrent exercise of certain powers.
  25. Revision against an order etc. of notified medical officer and others.
  26. Bar to action.
  27. Confidentiality
  28. Power to make rules.
  29. Removal of difficulties.
  30. Overriding effect.
  31. Repeal and savings.
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Special thanks to Mr. Junaid Sattar Butt for sending the copy of the Notification of Punjab Infectious Disease (Prevention and Control) Ordinance 2020.



Notification of Punjab Infectious Disease Prevention and Control Ordinance 2020


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