Job Opportunities for Medical Technologists in NDMA

National Disaster Management Authority (Prime Minister Office) Islamabad announces Job Opportunities for Medical Technologists on an urgent basis.


Job Opportunities for Medical Technologists in NDMA


Sr. No. Name of Post No. of Vacancies Requirement Age limit
1- Medical Technologists 100 vacancies Medical Lab Technology, preferably having experience in Microbiology / Molecular Biology/virology. BSc and Higher Education and experience will be preferred 45 years



NDMA requires emergency management of the services of medical technologists for a period of 4 months.

Eligible candidates should submit their applications on plain paper along with CV, attested copies of CNIC and recent photographs. You have only three days to apply for these jobs in NDMA.  Candidates must mention the name of the vacancy on the left side of the envelope. You can read further details on the copy of the announcement of these vacancies.


Job Opportunities for Medical Technologists


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