Increase in Dress Allowance and Other Allowances by Ministry of NHSR&C

Government of Pakistan, Ministry of National Health Services, Regulations and Coordination has issued Notification on 16-03-2020 in connection with Increase in Dress Allowance and Other Allowances. The detail is as under:

Government of Pakistan, Finance Division (Regulations Wing) has further forwarded to the Accountant General Pakistan revenues, Islamabad for further necessary action on 06-04-2020.


Increase in Dress Allowance

The undersigned is directed to convey the approval of the Prime Minister vide PM’s office No.1420/SPM/19, dated 13-06-2019 on a summary submitted by M/o NS,R&C vide UO, No.PNC-F-II-Admin/2019 /1089, dated 16-05-2019, to increase in the allowances of regular nurses of Federal Government Hospitals namely Pakistan Institute of Medical Science[PIMs],Federal Government Polyclinic[FGPC] National Institute of Rehabilitation Medicines {NIRM} and Federal General Hospital [FGH] under the administration control of Ministry of National Health Services, Regulations and Coordination w.e.f. 01-07-219 as under :

Regular Nurses BS-16 & above
Allowances Existing Rate Approved Rate
Mess Allowance Rs.500/- per Month Rs.8,000/- per Month
Dress Allowance Rs.600/- per Month Rs.3,000/- per Month
Stipend for Diploma Student Nurses Rs.6,800/- per Month Rs.20,000/- per Month


  1. The allowances will be admissible subject to the following conditions existing policy of Government.

(i) The above allowances will not be admissible to the employees during their tenure of posting/ deputation aboard.

(ii)The allowances will be treated as part of emoluments for the purpose of income tax.

(iii) The allowances will not be treated as part of emoluments for the purpose of calculation of pension / gratuity.

(iv) The expenditures will be increased from within the sanctioned budget of CFY 2019-20 of Ministry of National Health Services, Regularizations & Coordination.

See also  Notification Clarification Adhoc Relief Allowance 2023 Freeze or Unfreeze

Special thanks to Mr. Abdul Hakim for sending a copy of the Increase in Dress Allowance and Other Allowances by the Ministry of NHSR&C.


Mess Allowance 2020 Nurses


Notification issued on 06-04-2020 by Federal Government Polyclinic Islamabad


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