Clarification of Directions Regarding Lockdown in Sindh

Government of Sindh, Home Department has issued Notification on 08-04-2020 in connection with Clarification of Directions Regarding Lockdown in Sindh. The detail is as under:


I am directed to refer to this department’s notification No. SO(J-I)/HD/8-1(04)/2020-Corona dated 02nd April 2020 on the subject Necessary directions to be adopted by General Public, whereby a number of directions, regulations and necessary measures including following were order to be observed and adopted by all the concerned businesses, general, etc.

Complete Closure/Ban

  1. Religious & Social congregations, ceremonies, functions, gatherings of all kinds.
  2. Gathering on Shrines, Public Visitors meeting prisoners.

Restriction on Congregational Prayers

Only 3 to 5 persons designed for a mosque (like Pesh Imam, Moazzin, Care-Taker) will offer Namaz by Jammat including Jama Prayer and that the General Public will offer their prayers/namaz at their respective homes as per directions and guidance from the religious scholars (as per consideration in order No. SO(J-I)/HD/8-1(04)/2020-Corona dated 26.03.2020). Except last Rites like Funeral, burial, etc. while adopting social distance and attending by close family members only and after information local SHO of Area.

These restrictions on such religious gatherings apply in a similar manner to religious places of other religions.

  1. Now, therefore, the religious festivals related to Shab-e-Barat, Easter & Such other activities are restricted, including a visit to burial places/cemeteries.

Special thanks to Mr. Muhammad Bux Saleem Khaskheli who sent a copy of the Notification of Clarification of Directions Regarding Lockdown in Sindh.


Clarification of Directions Regarding Lockdown in Sindh

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