Special Concession in Fee Private Schools KPK

Khyber Pakhtunkhwa Provincial Education Minister, Akbar Ayyub Khan met the representatives of the Private Education Network on the subject Special Concession in Fee Private Schools KPK.  The pointwise detail is as under:


20% Special Concession in Fee Private Schools KPK


  • In the meeting, they discussed the concession in school fees of the private sector. Private schools will grant special school fee concession for the months of April and May 2020.
  • Private schools will grant 20% for students paying Rs. 6000/- or more per month fee.
  • Students paying less than Rs. 6000/- will be given a 10% fee concession.
  • The students will not get this concession, who are already getting sibling concession or any other special concession.
  • Students will pay the April fee in April and May fee in May 2020. The private schools will not collect two months fee at a time.
  • Parents should ensure to pay the fees in time so that the teachers and staff of the private educational institutions get a salary in time.
  • Khyber Pakhtunkhwa is the only province where sibling concession, the private schools give to the parents/students.



Special Concession in Fee Private Schools KPK


Updates on 15-04-2020 by Elementary & Secondary Education Department Government of Khyber Pakhtunkhwa. Let’s wait for the Notification of the same private sector schools.


You may also like: 20% concession in fee by Private Schools Punjab

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5 thoughts on “Special Concession in Fee Private Schools KPK

  1. I get new admission in school and I don’t attend even one class due to covid 19 school closed and school demanded full fees and I have 13 kids from one house getting admission in school

  2. Sir we are also private schools teacher. And school administrators paid us half salary of march. But not of April. So what are you say Sir.?

  3. What about the cadet colleges fee who are taking 3 months advance fee as quarter fee they would also be bound to take 20% less fee per month or they are exempted from this


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