Notification Mechanism Fees Collection / Salaries Private Schools Punjab

Government of the Punjab, School Education Department has issued Notification on 18-04-2020 in connection with Mechanism Fees Collection and Salaries for Private Schools in Punjab. The detail is as under:

Mechanism Fees Collection and Salaries Private Schools

I am directed to refer to the subject noted above and to state that in the wake of the outbreak of Corona Virus, all the Government and private schools have been closed till 31.05.2020, as a measure to contain the outbreak of this pandemic.

  1. Accordingly, the Competent Authority constituted a committee to deliberate upon the matter of easing the hardships of private schools for management purposes, which has recommended that Schools Administrative must follow the mechanism as detailed below.


a) Only two persons shall be allowed including Principal/Administrator and Accountant for management purposes only.

b) The timing of the opening of the Admin offices of the private managed school shall be from 9.00 to 1.00 PM.

c) Face masks shall be mandatory for the people dealing with the parents/visitors.

d) Strict compliance with social distancing shall be ensured and gatherings/crowding of people shall not be permitted. Circles with appropriate distance or similar appropriate means shall be used for this purpose for social distancing.

e) Teachers and staff may be called for pay purposes only with a class-wise schedule one class per day.

h) Washrooms and other areas shall be disinfected with a chlorine solution, daily.

i) Where possible schools shall utilize banking channels for the collection of fees and payment of salaries.

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3- Initially, Schools may conduct this activity from 20th April to 25th April 2020. Subsequently, the School Education Department will notify the next dates for the month of May and June 2020.

4- Further, the District Administrative through District Education Authorities, District Registering Authorities, District Health Authorities and Assistant Commissioners concerned may monitor /supervise the schools to ensure implementation of SOPs.

Notification Mechanism Fees Collection

Payment Salary Private School Teachers


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One thought on “Notification Mechanism Fees Collection / Salaries Private Schools Punjab

  1. covid-19 is circumstances for universal it’s to affected to the worldwide this the big problem no one take risk in permidic its safety is only on solution .


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