Notification of Constitution Pay and Pension Commission 2020

Government of Pakistan, Finance Division has issued Notification on 16-04-2020 in connection with Constitution Pay and Pension Commission 2020. The detail is as under:


Constitution Pay and Pension Commission 2020


The Government of Pakistan has constituted a Pay and Pension Commission with effect from 14th April 2020.

The terms of reference of the commission are as follows.


Pay & Allowances


  1. Study the adequacy of the existing Basic Pay Scale System and to evaluate the current salaries of Government Employees throughout the federation. This will include the provincial Government and recommend measures for its improvement and uniformity, Also make recommendations for the improvement and uniformity, also make a recommendation for the streamlining of existing classification from BPS 1-22.
  2. Study the separation of existing Basic Pay Scales for specialized departments/occupations/cadres.
  3. Review of Special Scales such as Management Grades, Management Position Scales (MP Scales), Special Professional Pay Scales (SPPS). The committee will also review Project Pay Scales, etc. and propose measures for uniformity and improvement.
  4. To Review admissible Regular Allowances, special incentives and all other allowances with a view to highlight prevalent distortions and recommend corrective measures.
  5. Review of existing perks and facilities and make recommendations, including the possibility of their monetization.



  1. To Review the Pension System of the Government of Pakistan:
  2. Highlight existing distortions and anomalies in the Pension Scheme and recommend remedial measures. Verify the sustainability of the current model after critically evaluating future liabilities through an actuarial study.
  3. Evaluate alternate systems of Pension like defined contribution and setting up of pension funds in light of international best practices. And recommend a system with clear timelines that are more efficient and sustainable, considering the available resources.
  4. Review the existing incentive regime (Honorarium and special rewards) and recommend improvement in it.
  5. To evaluate and recommend legislative measures to protect and streamline Pay, Pension and Allowances regime for government employees.
  6. The Commission may, if so desired by the Government, make interim recommendations to provide to interim relief, pending the submission of its final report.
  7. The Commission Shall have the power to co-opt any person or agency to assist it in its deliberations.
  8. The Finance Division shall provide Secretariat support to the Commission and the Commission shall make its recommendations within 6 months of its constitution, Wile formulating its proposal/recommendations on the above terms of reference, the pay and pension commission would take into consideration the financial resources of the Government.
See also  Clarification Sought Admissibility of Special Allowance 2022 in initial or Running Basic Pay

Updates Commission as on 5th June 2020


Tow and half months gone, but they not yet held the meeting of the pay and pension commission. The commission had to prepare recommendations for the equalization of pay and allowances in all the departments.


Pay ans Pension Commission updates



Pay and Pension Commission

Constitution Pay and Pension Commission 2020

Pay Pension 2020



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2 thoughts on “Notification of Constitution Pay and Pension Commission 2020

  1. یہ صرف کمیشنز ہی بٹھائینگے ملازمین کے اوپر صرف آفت گرانے کے لیے یا کچھ کرینگے بھی صحیح؟


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