Notification of Extension Date of Submission of Assignments AIOU

Allama Iqbal Open University (Directorate of Admissions) has issued Notification No. F.1826 on 27-04-2020 in connection with Extension Date of Submission of Assignments AIOU. The details are as under:

Keeping in view the current situation of lock-down imposed by the Federal Government in connection with the wake of Covid-19, the competent authority has been pleased to extend the date of submission of assignments of BA/BS/B.Ed/PGD/MA/MSc/M.Ed Programs for Autumn 2019-Semester, up to 13.05.2020. The university has decided so to facilitate the students during the lock-down period.

All Regional Heads will ensure collection of completed/ punched results from the concerned tutors and forward to the Examination Department before 20.05.2020 enable to finalize results as per schedule approved in Academic Calendar. No further extension will be considered beyond the date mentioned above.

Special thanks to Mr. Muhammad Anwar who sent a copy of the Notification of Extension Date of Submission of Assignments AIOU.

It is added for the information of students of Allama Iqbal Open University Islamabad, that the University has already extended the Admission Fee Depositing date for the students of Spring 2020. The university has to do so due to the spread of COVID-19 throughout the country. The AIOU has already submitted a copy of this letter to concerned departments for their info.

Notification of Extension Date of Submission of Assignments AIOU

See also  BISE Peshawar Matric Annual Exam 2020 Result (SSC Result)

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