Updates of Board Exams & Extension of Holidays in Educational Institutions till 15th July 2020

According to Education Minister, Dr  Murad Raas Government has decided for Extension of Holidays in Educational Institutions till 15th July 2020. According to him, all public and private schools will remain closed till the 15th of July 2020. He said they give priority to the lives of the students and teachers.


Extension of Holidays in Educational Institutions till 15th July 2020


According to the Elementary & Secondary Education Government of Khyber Pakhtunkhwa, they have canceled the exams to be held under all boards. They will promote the students on the basis of previous exam results.  They have referred this news to the Federal Minister of Education Mr. Shafqat Abbas.

However, the Provincial Minister of Education Punjab said in a tweet that they will explain the promotion of students to the next classes and board exams in the Notification they will issue soon.

As soon as I get the updates in this regard, I shall update the same on my website.


Extension of Holidays in Educational Institutions till 15th July 2020

Board Exams Updates


There is no confirmation yet about the board exams for all boards, however, Dr  Murad Raas said you can see all details in the Notification followed by soon. KPK Education Department mentioned that all board exams have been canceled. Here not sure about all exams means ” all exams in KPK” or all exams for all boards of Pakistan. As soon as I get the detailed information I shall update the same here at the same post. Previously Government announced for all Pakistan Board Exams postponed till 1st June 2020. But keeping in view the present situation and future predictions of the spread of coronavirus in the country the authorities decided to cancel the Board Exams. There seems not the possibility of the exams to conduct in June/July 2020. The Government had a plan to conduct the exams in June and July 2020 but all gone in vain.

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All Pakistan Board Exams Cancelled for 2020


According to the Federal Board of Intermediate & Secondary Education Islamabad, all board exams in Pakistan have been cancelled. They will pass the students on the basis of previous performanvce of the students in Board Exams.


Federal Board Exams Cancel

Cancellation of Board Exams


Updates of University Examinations / Papers


Mr. Shafqat Mahmood tweeted on 07-05-2020 that Universities would decide their exam schedule according to their own policies and according to the direction and SOPs issued by the Higher Education Commission.


University Exams Updates

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One thought on “Updates of Board Exams & Extension of Holidays in Educational Institutions till 15th July 2020

  1. I got 93 per in matric n my sister got 98 percent in our matric exams and we stand with the govt…. There’s a great fear around. We don’t want to become a corona patient so i think it is the right decision taken by govt.. If someone dont beleive me so my roll no is 164477 .agar humse nhi prha Jaa rha tou jo average bachay hain unka kya ho ga?


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