I am sharing on the request of many students and teachers Various Questions after the Cancellation of All Pakistan Board Exams 2020. Although there are chances that most of the answers the Board authorities will give in the Notification of the cancellation of the examination. The visitors of this website can also suggest their questions. As you know the Government of Pakistan has decided for extension in holidays in education institutions till 15th July 2020 and also Govt canceled the board exams.
Questions related to Cancellation of All Pakistan Board Exams 2020
Some of the questions related to the cancellation of all boards annual exams 2020 are as under:
- Will the Board announce the result of the papers of the 10th class that the students have already taken?
- If the above question is yes, then what about the practical exams that the students still not taken?
- What will be the procedure to promote to the next class?
- If the board promotes the students on the basis of previous board exams then what will be for the students of 9th class who have never appeared in Board exams.
- If a student got 450 marks in class 9th or 11th year then how many marks they will count for 10th or 12th class whose papers have not yet they conducted? (We generally see that students obtain more marks in 2nd parts instead of 1st ones. We can see the reason for students like sickness or other that he/she would not get more marks in class 9th or 11th year and he/she tried best to get maximum marks in the 10th or 2nd year).
- What about the students who are clearing their supplementary exam?
More Queries
- What formula will they adopt what the calculation of marks?
- Will, the students face any issue in the next medical or engineering classes on the basis of merit?
- If the students did not appear in any paper last year due to some accident/illness etc and now he /she prepared, will they consider him/her again absent or boards will grant marks for both papers (missing one and present)?
- And If question Number 9 is yes then how many marks the board will grant for parts one and two?
- If the total percentage of the last exam and the new exam is less than the required for any Govt department where they demand more percentage, can he apply in that department?
- On cancellation of 9th and 1st-year exams, can there be combined exams of 9th & 10th and 11th and 12th Next year?
- What will be the formula for those students who were appearing in combined exams?
- Students who failed as a whole in 9th or 11th, will the board will consider now pass or fail, although the students this year prepared well and they hope to clear the exams 100%.
Queries by the Students / Teachers
- If someone had got less Mark’s in 10th grade and after that, he had tried and had shown improvement during his session of 1st year so according to the government the board give him / her 10 grade Mark’s then what about his progress, also what would the procedure of scholarships?
- What is the policy for the students who are improving their F.Sc Marks?
- Thousands of students prepared for improvement. Now, FSc pass students prepared for improvement of the only the first year, how the board will address this. Will the board give improvement marks on the basis of the second year? (Khan Jahanzeb)
- What about those students who are improving some subjects of 1st year and 2nd year (Marium Rafiq)
- And What about the Last chance of diploma papers on how to concern pass and fail? (Ahtisham Khan)
- What about scholarships and position holder Students? (Ahmad Khan)
- What about the policy of DAE diploma holders? (M. Shabbit)
- If a student obtains less marks in fsc part 1 and cancel the result and then this year he was applying again for fsc part 1 will he obtain marks according to 10th class result or according to canceled fsc part 1 result? (Amna Arshad)
More Questions by Teachers / Students
- If a student of 11th class studied and his/her registration has been done in the board by paying the required fee but due to some illness, they couldn’t send their admission. Is it possible that they would also be promoted on the basis of registration and previous board exam result (10th Class)? (Atta Muhammad)
- Due to Coronavirus, some people couldn’t send admission because the concerned boards closed their offices, so how the board would clarify in this situation? (Atta Muhammad)
- Will private students, they also consider for promotion? (Atta Muhammad)
- The question is that if a student has got less marks in 10th grade, due to some sickness in papers and is totally ok in 1st year and was ready to give their 100% so how can they get more marks? Why the Board promotes on the basis of class 10? Board is different. And what if a person has passed from science subjects and is in commerce in the first year so how can they be given marks of the science subjects from class 10? (Anusha Noman)
- They should make the formula for 100 percent mdcat for this year (Mariam Rafiq)
What do others say?
- If we want to improve our subjects then the board will conduct it next year in annual exams with other 1st year or 2nd-year students or what dates they will give us? (Usman Arain)
- What about those students who want to improve their 1st year and 2nd-year subjects? (M. Usman)
- What will be the procedure for private students who are giving combine papers for 1st year and 2 year of FA or any other subjects? The students who are not wasting their year and sent combined admission and if they just promote them on basis of matric and clear their 1 st year so what about the 2nd year they are not gonna study another year? (Aqib Khatak)
- If a student wants to take an exam in 9th or 11th as a private candidate. Because in Pakistan many students due to weak financial condition they take admission as a private candidate what will be the decision about him? (Spin Gul)
- What will be the procedure for the students who were no able to appear in the 12th class examination last year after qualifying 11th class due to some reason but this year he is ready to appear in 12th class? (Noor Fatima)
Latest Queries
- If the Govt has decided to cancel the board exams what will the students do of 12th class because last year the result of Punjab board was not that well most of the students really worked hard for this year so if the Government decides to Mark students on their previous results of 11th class is this appropriate? Usually, students get good grades in part2 instead of part 1 how will the government address this will they also have an overlook at the matriculation results?? (Omer Khan)
- Having gone thru all the questions I conclude a collective answer to be acceptable maybe that board examinations results can never be decided on the basis of previous results irrespective of all factors combined or taken individually, it certainly affects the good or the bad results, so the boards should take 9th and 10th and 11th and 12th exams combined next year, in the meantime the effects of coronavirus may have gone down or slowed down already to the level that we could open up all educational institutions to face the demanding needs to deal with sensibly and practically to get s&atisfying results of the decisions we make.
Put aside those supplemented students, we should take care of those who pass usually may improve themselves as well: those who are the pride of schools, colleges, and universities, those whose results have been an A+ & A, in 9th and 11th classes and those position holders of the boards to be, will go astray.Anyway, the decision of promoting students without examination is unrealistic and unjustified and moreover it is like playing with the future of bright students. Even normally the results come out late then why such haste!!SincerelyA worried teacher and a worrying tutor (Mr. Ali Sheraz)
These are all questions that I hope the board authorities will mention in the Notification. The Boards can issue the notification during this week or during the next week. I hope boards will cover all the above questions. If you have more questions in your mind, you can email me at galaxyworld1122@gmail.com so that I may also add your questions to this list.
I can’t give my exam this year because I forget to pay fee of examination and I’m also promoted in 11th class then now what can I do … Means now how can I give my second year paper … Please give me suggestion..
What about the supplementry exams of 11 class. Any update from it
I think after the Special Exam
I cancelled my two papers of Fsc first Year in 2019 but Now I am worried i dont know what is the policy I request to the government to give these students average marks If somehow it is not possible Atleast, give a chance to the students to refunctional his previous result It’s our right because we dont want to appear in a special exams Its a matter of life of thousands students
Good proposal.
The students who have passed their 1st year, but due to their less numbers in two or three subjects, they wanted to improve these subjects. Either only 1st year or 2nd year subjects they would give exams…??
I think only they would be given part-I paper as 2nd part they have given concession. However just wait for the Notification with full details.
If a student of Fsc Part 2 got less numbers in three science subjects in her 1st year exams. And result was “reappear” in these three science subjects. Practicals were not conducted in 1st year. Then what formula will be adopted for their promotion.
Plz, wait for the notification on Friday.
Can 12th promoted students apply for jobs?
I think yes but just wait for the Notification.
What about 9th class and what about remaining papers of 9th class and if remaining papers of 9th class are cancelled then what about marks? How can we get admission in colleges if we’re only passed by passing numbers
There is another statement of Minister of Education that 9th and 10th papers can be combined. So it is better to wait next week. I hope the Final Notification of Promotion of Board Students will be issued.
If all universities of Pakistan can make merit list 2020 which base on own entery test not include the 1st marks because some students got less marks in 1st exams so they work hard in 2nd year to improve our merit aggregate to get admission in medical and engineering universities so due to covid 19 the all board exams cancel and students are worried about this if govt and education minister said to universities to make merit aggregate of 2020 on the bases of own test which conduct in coming days and the syllabus of test come from 2nd and 1st class so if student work hard so get good marks in test and with the issue of universities merit for students clear and we can see progress of students previous year and 10 class papers also conduct so matric result announced and 9th and 11st. Exams conduct next year with 10th and 2nd exams at this they only promote to sit in next class with this all issue about exams clear and conducting papers this year can solve if we follow my comment so we can easily deal with this situation
Good proposal.