Notification of Promotion / Examination Policy 2020 Under Prevailing Conditions of COVID-19

A Promotion / Examination Policy 2020 Under Prevailing Conditions of COVID-19 has been notified. This policy has been collected through the Education Minister of Government of Punjab, Mr. Murad Raas.  The points of this promotion policy for Board students 2020 is as under:


Promotion / Examination Policy 2020


  1. All the candidates appearing in class 9th and 11th examinations are promoted to next level classes.
  2. Candidates who appeared in class 10th Examinations their papers shall be marked and the result will be declared accordingly.
  3. Marking of answer scripts of class 10th will start from June 15, 2020, and the result will be declared within 90 days.
  4. Candidates who have qualified all the subject In HSSC part-I will be awarded the same marks in Part-II. To be fair with the students for their additional efforts to improve their marks in Part-II, additional marks equivalent to 3% (of obtained score) will be added in the aggregate.
  5. The Candidates who have qualified HSSC Part-I examination but failed as a whole in part-II (the year 2019) will be awarded the same marks as obtained in Part-I.
  6. The candidates who have qualified their HSSC Part-I examination (The year 2018), but failed in the various subject in Part-II, and now appearing as compartment case: they will be awarded the same marks as obtained in Part-I.
  7. The candidates who have qualified their Part-II examinations but failed in various subjects in Part-I and now appearing as compartment case will be awarded the same marks as they have obtained in the theory of Part-II. Whereas, the marks obtained in practical exams earlier shall remain the same.
  8. The candidates appearing for improvement in Part-II of HSSC Examinations as a whole will be awarded the same marks as they have obtained in the theory of Part-I.
  9. The candidates appearing for improvement in various subjects will be awarded the highest marks obtained in the relevant subject(s) in their Part-I or Part-II of HSSC Examinations. Whereas, the marks obtained in practical earlier shall remain the same.
  10. The candidates appearing for improvement in their HSSC Part-I will be awarded the same marks as they have obtained in the theory of Part-II (the Year 2019).
  11. Candidates appearing to avail their last chance for passing the examinations will be awarded average marks obtained in passed subjects.
  12. The candidates who have failed in various subjects of Part-I (HSSC) and appearing in Part-II will be awarded average marks obtained in passing subjects and his marks thus obtained in Part-I will be doubled for Part-II.
  13. The Candidates appearing for various subjects of Part-I & II (HSSC) as compartment case, will be awarded average marks obtained in passing subjects for calculation of marks in failed subjects.
  14. Practical exams will not be conducted and Marks for Practical (where applicable) for both SSC & HSSC will be awarded as follows:
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50% marks of the total practical marks will be granted to all the candidates while the remaining 50% marks will be awarded proportionate to the theory marks in the relevant subject.

  1. If any candidate does not accept the offered promotion or award on the analogy previous marks, he/she may opt to appear in the next Scheduled Examinations in 2021. However, the candidates must declare to their respective boards by July 15, 2020, about their decision, otherwise it will be presumed that the candidate agrees to the said policy. No response will be considered as acceptance to the promotion policy. The candidates who send their declaration form by July 15, 2020, will not be awarded result transcripts or certificates. They will sit in the next Scheduled exams and their already paid fee will be adjusted for the said examinations.
  2. Candidates who are promoted from 9th and 11th to next level classes will appear in the 10th and 12th class examination respective in 2021 and their marks will be calculated similarly to promotion guidelines as mentioned in sr.# 04 above but in reverse order. However, this recommendation may be amended by the Punjab education Reforms Committee which should be notified accordingly.
  3. The fee of candidates, who are promoted to next level classes without examinations, will be adjusted for the Annual Examinations, 2021.
  4. The candidates of HSSC falling in the following categories are being offered Special COVID-19 Examinations only which would be held in August 2020.


  • The candidates who have applied for composite (Part-I&II) examinations.
  • Candidates appearing for various additional subjects.
  • The candidates appearing for Shahadat ul Khasa.
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19.  The Boards shall mention in the transcript and in the certificate that the marks awardee for Part-II (2020) and Part-I (2021) are the best prediction of the Performance and has been awarded based on the formulae and guidelines approved by the respective government/Statutory bodies, hence considered as valid and fair.


I hope soon all Pakistan Education Boards will issue their own Promotion / Examination Policy 2020.



Examination Policy 2020


Promotion Examination Policy 2020


Board Promotion Policy



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12 thoughts on “Notification of Promotion / Examination Policy 2020 Under Prevailing Conditions of COVID-19

    1. Is ka Matlab hay the candidate who were appearing in this exam to pass the 2nd part papers again. Means they passed part-I in 2018, failed in Part-II in 2019 and now in 2020 they were trying to pass the 2019 papers. They will be considered as pass.

  1. Sir point number 5 kindly explain please. It means who students failed as a whole last year (2019), these students give only first year exam in special examination 2020? Kindly tell.

  2. Sir Murad raas ny notification jo diya h us main 40% ka zikr ni hy jb k twitter par announcement jo ki hy us main hy to plz guide me

  3. Please guide me that, if a student have failed in one subject in 9th class and also have appeared in the 10th class exams all subjects. In the notification it is clear that the Papers of 10th class will be checked and marked accordingly. What about 9th class one subject failed? Will that subject be passed without exams or he /she will have to appear in special exams? Please reply…

      1. Meri 1st year main aik supply hai tu kia mujha bhi special exams dena hoga plz tell me
        Muja bhi achy marks mila ga kia permote ho jaon ga ya nai


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