Government of Khyber Pakhtunkhwa, the Finance Department has issued a letter on 11-02-2020 in connection with Premature Increment on Appointment from CC to SST BPS-16. The details of the same letter are as under:
Premature Increment on Appointment from CT to SST
I am directed to refer to your office letter No.H-24(81)/D.I.Khan/Vol-X/911 dated 06-12-2019 on the subject noted above and to state that previously, in a similar nature case the AG’s Office. Peshawar vide letter No.H-24(77)/Dir Lower/Vol-VI/2016-17/203 dated 25-04-2017 had sought the opinion of this Department which was examined in detail and resultantly opinion of AG’s Office, Peshawar was confirmed through letter No.FD(SOSR-1)2-123/2017 dated 11-10-2017. Hence, the three years condition has already been relaxed under the said letter.
- As far as; para-3 of the Finance Department’s letter No.FD(PRC)1-1/97 dated 16-03-1999 is concerned, in this regard, the said letter is crystal clear/self-explanatory, therefore, no further clarification/elaboration is required, please.
Special thanks to Mr. Najeeb Ullah who sent a copy of the Notification of Premature Increment on Appointment from CT to SST.
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