According to the Board of Intermediate & Secondary Education Bahawalpur, the Promotion Confirmation Form Board Classes on Social Media is fake. The BISE Bahawalpur has confirmed and announced for the information of students and parents, that they did not issue such kind of proforma. They always should consult from the Board authorities in such type of fake news.
Promotion Confirmation Form Board Classes
Further, some people are spreading rumours on social media whats app and Facebook in connection with the promotion policy that the Board has no link. Education Board Bahawalpur team is not running any whats app group. They have no link to other same name facebook pages except the official Facebook page. The board will inform the students, teachers, and parents regarding the promotion policy during the coming week.
Updates of Board News Regarding Promotion Policy
The teachers, parents and students should always believe in the trusted sources of the education news and never believe on fake groups, pages and what’s app etc. I shall also try to keep the students updated as soon as I get news from reliable sources. So just wait a week or so and I shall try to share the promotion policy. If any form they issue, I shall also share.
B.I.K Clarification
Board of Intermediate Karachi has also clarified that the proform/form on social media regarding the promotion of students is fake.
Sahiwal board ke tarf say koi notification Kare nai howa batna
Ok As soon as I get the Notification I shall share.
What about private students???
They were promoted or not???
Kindly reply me???
They will be treated same as regular candidates. Plz wait for the final Notification by Board.