Updates of Opening of Schools & Promotion of Board Students

Federal Government has made an important decision regarding the Updates of Opening of Schools and restoration of educational activities in the country.  Federal Ministry of Educations has demanded proposals from the provinces to open schools on a trial basis.


Updates of Opening of Schools All Over Pakistan



                According to the information, the Federal Government has made an important decision in connection with the restoration of educational activities in the country on a trial basis.  Federal Government has also announced for inter-provincial education ministers conference on 2nd July 2020. In the letter of Federal Government Education Ministry, the authorities have demanded from the provinces that they should submit the proposals and complete plan up to 23rd June 2020. To keep save the students and teachers from COVID-19, all steps they should include in the plan.  According to sources, at the conference, they will decide to open the schools or they may grant further extensions in the holidays.

After inter-provincial; education minister’s conference, they will send the recommendations to the National Coordination Committee and NCC will further decide it finally to open or further close the educational institutions.


Updates of Promotion of Board Classes Students


On the other side, on the instructions of the Ministry of Law, on the amendment of the promotion policy of student law, the students are worried. The Board authorities have assured passing the students to the next classes.  Ministry of Law has instructed the educational boards to amend the promotion policy rulings for the intermediate and matric class students.  After those instructions, there arose a wave of sadness among the students.  The Board authorities have said that it is the matter of the departments if they have returned the summary of promoting the students.

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Updates of Opening of Schools & Promotion of Board Students

I hope that the concerned authorities will decide the same soon. Students should not worry, I hope the authorities shall do the best for the students.

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